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[Organization], [Location], NM Goal or Aim Results Lessons Learned

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Presentation on theme: "[Organization], [Location], NM Goal or Aim Results Lessons Learned"— Presentation transcript:

1 [Title: How Do We Love Antimicrobial Stewardship? Let Us Count the Ways!]
[Organization], [Location], NM Goal or Aim Results Lessons Learned [Clearly state the purpose of the project – make it time specific, measurable and identify the patient population affected.] [State key lessons in one or two succinct sentences.] [Describe the results and whether there was improvement: use chart, pictures, trends, data over time.] Why? [State why it is important to reach the goal.] [Change Observed] [Timeframe] Recommendations, Next Steps [How will this improvement be spread?] 1. 2. 3. Changes Made [Describe the changes, how they were identified and how they were tested or made.] Team Members and Partners [List …] Leadership involvement: [What role did leadership play?] [If desired, describe briefly key takeaway from data displayed.] [Key element: (example) Strict adherence to environ-mental cleaning processes was critical to our success!]

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