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Towards Excellence in Engineering Curricula for Dual Education

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1 Towards Excellence in Engineering Curricula for Dual Education
Laureano is the coordinator of an International Project. Laureano Jiménez Esteller Departament of Chemical Engineering University Rovira i Virgili Tarragona, Spain 1

2 Alternative title #1: what is dual education?
Even a preliminary literature review reveals a lot of distinctive features how dual education is understood and implemented in different countries. In fact, we can find a plethora of (almost) synonyms that refer to very similar concepts: apprenticeship, alternance training, work-based learning, on-the-job training… Dual education is a system that combines apprenticeships in a company and class-based learning in the same course. Trainees divide their time roughly equally between classroom and on-the-job training, with both pathways developed in parallel. Ideally, a labor contract should exist 2

3 What is not dual education?
Perform an internship in a company Develop the final year project in a company Work in a company with an scholarship Dual education goes one step beyond to the classical relationship among academia and the industrial sector

4 Alternative title #2: where is dual education relevant?
Dual education is practiced in several countries, notably Germany, Austria, and Switzerland but also for some years now in South Korea. Germany is probably the best country for these type of studies as they have a very long and a very successful history of implementation of dual education at the vocational educational and training system. 4

5 Dual education: a fashion keyword?

6 2014 ©L. Jiménez Strategies to survive The hedgefox … and the fox URV

7 2014 ©L. Jiménez Labor market ©L. Jiménez 2014 URV

8 Flexibility, adaptability & multidisciplinary
2014 ©L. Jiménez Very frequent calls. Applied to many topics and areas. Not very bureacratic Flexibility, adaptability & multidisciplinary URV

9 Make the right decision
FCRI Decision making Make the right decision Prepare for a changing world, where steady state is never achieved and they have to be creative and innovative in order to survive/have a successful career L. Jiménez

10 TEEDE CBHE Erasmus+ project1
Towards Excellence in Engineering curricula for Dual Education (952 k€) UTA TPU JilinU AEER OmSTU KHSU The specific objectives of the TEEDE project are the: Strengthening relations of universities with exterior economic and social environment, creation and development of variants of the cooperation of universities and enterprises, promotion of employment of graduates; Establishment of the unified procedure of evaluation of qualification level achieved by the persons who are studying in engineering and the recognition of learning; Construction of the trajectory of lifelong learning for the engineers. Develop and modernize curricula implementing the principles of the dual education. Launch new or upgraded curricula, combining periods of study with periods of training at leading enterprises. FEFU UNIPV IITK SYLU RUA IITM ITC

11 TEEDE CBHE Erasmus+ project2
Sustainable approach The specific objectives of the TEEDE project are the: Strengthening relations of universities with exterior economic and social environment, creation and development of variants of the cooperation of universities and enterprises, promotion of employment of graduates; Establishment of the unified procedure of evaluation of qualification level achieved by the persons who are studying in engineering and the recognition of learning; Construction of the trajectory of lifelong learning for the engineers. Develop and modernize curricula implementing the principles of the dual education. Launch new or upgraded curricula, combining periods of study with periods of training at leading enterprises.

12 Development of dual learning1
Guidelines should include the diverse circumstances of all partners Adjust to the country policy, labor market and cultural context Implementation of dual education Evidenced-based decisions: meetings with stakeholders Very different policies, very diverse procedures, many cultural differences, and therefore to obtain the success of the Project, all those barriers have to be overcomed to obtain a solution that is practical given the constraints at local, regional and/or national level. Communicaiton: from duct to cat Involve different stakeholders in the decisión procedure

13 Development of dual learning2
Open questions Level: MSc or BSc? Topic: engineering Existing or new program? Offered as parallel track to existing schemes (=school-based)? Support/attitude of companies Resistance to change Higher education institutions are not very flexible Here you have some of the practical questions Level to develop dual programs: bachelor or master Topic: different aspects related with engineering, including also chemical and petroleum engineering Typically, both approach coexist: school and dual learning

14 Lonely silver

15 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein If you have any doubt, please made the questions. In any case, if you need further information, remember to contact the Project coordinator, Dr. Laureano Jiménez

16 Towards Excellence in Engineering Curricula for Dual Education
Laureano is the coordinator of an International Project. Laureano Jiménez Esteller Departament of Chemical Engineering University Rovira i Virgili Tarragona, Spain 16

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