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A Styria.

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Presentation on theme: "A Styria."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Styria

2 Venue Venue

3 60 participants from 20 nations (18 MS, N, HR)

4 Main results: Information, communication and participation are the keys to successful flood management Raising the public awareness for flood risks Clear separation between private and public responsibilities are necessary Closer collaboration between flood management and land use planning is necessary Funds for the implementation of measures are frequently lacking – innovative financing concepts need to be developed, provision of necessary funds FRM in urban Different approaches in FRM - urban and rural areas

5 Main results: Technical issues are generally handled well, the necessary legal basis is still lacking in many instances (especially on the field of land use planning) Wish for a guidance document on the interpretation of the FD was expressed According to climate change there are to great uncertainities are connected to this issues for reliable statements (not handled in detail) Considerable differences in the level of implementation of the FD in the individual MS More Land Use Planner should participate at the next WS

6 Mur Thank´s a lot to all participants for the excellent cooperation Drau

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