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What are Americans?.

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Presentation on theme: "What are Americans?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What are Americans?

2 A French social scientist and historian who came to the United States and wrote Democracy in America. A book intended to help the French bridge the gap between monarchy and democracy.

3 5 Constitutional Values
Populism Egalitarianism Liberty Laissez-faire Individualism

4 1st Suggested Seal The center section of this shield has six symbols for "the Countries from which these States have been peopled": the rose (England), thistle (Scotland), harp (Ireland), fleur-de-lis (France), lion (Holland), and an imperial eagle (Germany). Linked together around the shield are 13 smaller shields, each with the initials for one of the "thirteen independent States of America."

5 Out of Many One I Am An American

6 Why was “In God We Trust” added?
Added in response to a fear of a “Godless” Communism.

7 American Exceptionalism
The idea that the American experience was different or unique from others, therefore America had a unique or special role in the world.

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