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Atlantium Advantage Hydro-Optic Disinfection The Future Of Disinfection Atlantium Advantage 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Atlantium Advantage Hydro-Optic Disinfection The Future Of Disinfection Atlantium Advantage 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atlantium Advantage Hydro-Optic Disinfection The Future Of Disinfection Atlantium Advantage 2007

2 2 Who Are We? Worldwide Leader Next Generation Water Disinfection Solutions Revolutionary Disinfection Technology Hydro-Optic Disinfection (HOD): n Environmentally friendly n Simple to use and maintain n At a low cost of ownership n Guaranteed performance…

3 3 Atlantium Advantage… Red Herrings List: Companies Driving the Future of Technology

4 4 Water Disinfection Technologies Today Extremely high operational & maintenance costs Reliable; Wide acceptance Heat exchange (pasteurization) IssuesAdvantages Microbial Kill 1-3 log range; Deposits & fouling of quartz sleeves; High maintenance; Questionable reliability; Issues with monitoring and control Environmentally Friendly; Acceptable Conventional UV Expensive to buy & operate; Stops microbes only above certain threshold; Sensitive to chlorine; Backwash treatment and bio-films breed hidden costs over time Reliable; Wide acceptanceMembranes Disinfection by-products (Bromates); Hard to control with water quality flux; Difficult working environment; Lots of hidden costs Effective; Accepted for some industriesOzonation Disinfection by-products; Taste in food; Ineffective against Cryptosporidium & Giardia; Creates issues for downstream processing - membranes Relatively cheap; Widely used and acceptedChlorination

5 5 What is the big news about HOD? n Great solutions are simple solutions n Conceptual change in conventional thinking… Light inside the Water Water inside the Light

6 6 Conventional UV Microbial Escape Routes Many Lamps; Non-Uniform Light Distribution

7 7 Same principle as in optical fibers: Total Internal Reflection No microbial escape routes No lamp fouling due to scale from heat No mechanical cleaners to jam & maintain No mercury in the water from broken lamps HOD Technology Principle The liquid wave guide

8 8 Technology Principle n The Liquid Wave Guide Same Total Internal Reflection principle as in optical fibers

9 9 HODs Out-of-the-Box Design Light beams represent how the fiber optic Total Internal Reflection principle works 1 1 2 3 3 4 Out-of-the-water light sources 1 Air cooled dry chamber 2 Dual sensor configuration for accurate monitoring 3 Central quartz chamber traps light photons 4

10 10 Operation Principles HOD System Cross Section Quartz Window Lamp Status Monitoring Sensor Dose Control Transmission Sensor AIR WATER * Medium Pressure High Intensity Air Cooling Quartz Tube Air Block MPHI* UV Light Source Reflector

11 11 The Atlantium Total Kill Solution HOD vs. Sea Water Algae; NO Recovery 11 Dark Chamber Natural Environment 28 Days Incubation A - InletB - Outlet

12 12 The HOD Advantage I: Performance & Reliability HOD System WATER Conventional UV Heat = Sleeve Deposits Requires Frequent Maintenance Uniform Dose Distribution Non-Uniform Dose Distribution

13 13 HOD System WATER 5 Minutes Replacement No System Downtime Cumbersome lamp & sleeve replacement System Down & Off-Line Broken Lamps Mercury & Glass Contamination The HOD Advantage II: Simple Maintenance Conventional UV

14 14 WATER Conventional UV Indirect UV Light Measurement (Through Water & Sleeve Fouling) Direct UV Source Measurement Additional UVT Instrument Assures Delivered Dose The HOD Advantage III: Monitoring & Control HOD System

15 15 HOD Performance Validation Developed Dose = Delivered Dose n Accurate Monitoring On-line UVT Monitoring n Uniform Dose Distribution (No Low Dose Tracks) n Validated Dose = Displayed Dose On-line Lamp Monitoring Dose Distribution Average Track Minimum Dose n What you see is what you get n What you get is what you need n What you need is what you want

16 16 The HOD Advantage III: Monitoring and Control State-Of-The-Art Set-Up Control Monitoring State-Of-The-Art Set-Up Control Monitoring

17 17 The HOD Advantage III: Monitoring and Control Configurable Validated Dose Configurable Validated Dose

18 18 The HOD Advantage III: Monitoring and Control Automated Report Generation Automated Report Generation

19 19 Overview: Markets & Products n R – Series: Flow Rates 10 – 300 m 3 /Hr (~50 – 1500 GPM) n Products-In-Pipeline: Q1, 2007: l R – 500 l R - 25 Q3, 2007: l R - 1000 n Industrial and Municipal markets: n Municipal Drinking Water Water Re-Use Desalination Waste Water n Industrial Food & Beverage Aquaculture Power Plants Pharmaceuticals Other

20 20 Product Water Fire-Wall Process Water Pasteurization The Atlantium Advantage Industrial Market Applications Aquaculture Ultra-Pure / AOP

21 21 HOD FireWall Technology Ideal Solution Solution: Food & Beverage industry n Inactivate Harmful Microorganisms n Improve Plant Water Quality n Improved Product Quality n Enhanced HAACP & QA/QC n Minimize Chemicals Use n Avoid DBPs n Minimize Risk / Exposure n Saves Power, Chemical & Labor Costs n ROI < One Year

22 22 HOD FireWall Protection: TNUVA E.T. – One of the Worlds Largest Dairies 3 x 100 m 3 /hr Atlantium HOD Units External View of Atlantiums Facility Note Far Sampling point – 500 m down the line from the HOD system Microbial contamination in test point of dairy water system

23 23 The Atlantium Advantage Replace Heat Pasteurization Above: Conventional Pasteurization Unit Down: Atlantiums HOD PR-20 System n HOD PR-20 System n Validated 9 Log Reduction n Significant Return On Investment n Energy Savings n Reduced Operating Costs n Reduced Maintenance Costs

24 24 Pasteurization: The Atlantium Advantage Atlantiums Solution Conventional Pasteurization 0.05 Euro per m³ energy cost1-1.2 Euro per m³ energy cost Simple & easy maintenanceMajor maintenance requirement Almost no system downtimeSignificant system downtime Small FootprintLarge Footprint Return On Investment < 4 Months!

25 25 Advanced Oxidation Super-Charging HOD Technology n Super-Charging HOD Technology Creation of radicals-saturated zone All water are exposed to radicals-saturated zone Continuous generation of radicals Utilization of entire HOD reactors chamber for chemical reaction n Reduces BOD Loading n Breaks-Down Long Chain Organic Molecules n Cost Effective: ~5ppm Oxidizing Agent Reduces O&M costs

26 26 HOD Atlantium Advantage Radicals-Saturated Zone WATER Radicals-Saturated Zone Chemical Reaction Zone OH Oxidizer Introduced

27 27 HOD vs. Conventional UV Advantage: Atlantium HOD WATER OH Uniform Dose Ensures reaction within all water flow through the radicals-saturated zone Uniform Dose Ensures reaction within all water flow through the radicals-saturated zone Dark Routes Enables part of water flow to escape the OH radical formation & contact Dark Routes Enables part of water flow to escape the OH radical formation & contact OH

28 28 The Atlantium Advantage n Unique Radicals-Saturation Zone High Generation of OH Radicals Assured Water-To-Radical Contact n Total Fluid Exposure To Radicals-Saturation Zone No Escape Routes Uniform Dose n Continuous Generation of Radicals On-Line Lamp Exchange Minimal System Fouling n Huge Chemical-Reaction Chamber Entire HOD Quartz Chamber No Flow Impediments n Applications…

29 29 Unique AOP Opportunities n TOC / BOD Reductions n Chlorine / THM Reductions n Complex Compounds Break-Down n Odor Control n Disinfection n Waste Waters Re-Use n Waters Disinfection Ballast Waters System Run-Off

30 30 AOP / HOD Case Study Demand Reduction: Dresden – Germany AOP / HOD vs. PAC… No Contest!

31 31 Membrane Pre-Treatment Applications n Protect Membranes…. From Bio-Films Chlorine Break-Through n Task Separation Biologic Firewall Chemical Firewall n Reduce CIP Days Increase Production Decrease Chemical Costs n Increase Membrane Lifetime Extended Run-Times Less Cycling n Reduce Energy Consumption Return On Investment < One Year

32 32 Atlantium Advantage: Activated Carbon Pre-Application Active Carbon UV Conventional Design: UV Post-GAC For Bacterial Breakout Control Active Carbon Atlantium Advantage: HOD Pre-GAC Prevent Growth & Fouling Frequent CIP & Backwash Frequent Media Replacement High-Count Excursions Eliminated by UV

33 33 Atlantium Advantage: Biofilm Formation In Activated Carbon Units Atlantium Advantage Traditional Design Microbial Break-Through Periodic CIP Days Return On Investment < 2 Years

34 34 The Atlantium Advantage Aquaculture / Fish Hatcheries n Increases fish growth rates n Increases survival rates n Minimizes drugs, chemicals and antibiotics n Improves FCR (Fish Conversion Rate) n Environmentally friendly

35 35 Case Study: Pinar Fish Hatchery n Increase in survival rates: Sea Bream: 100% Sea Bass: 50% n 90% Reduction Antibiotic Costs n 50% Labor / O&M Costs n ROI: Less Than 4 Months n 2 nd System Ordered

36 36 Pinar: Pathogen Testing HOD Technology Provides Documented Results Pinar: Pathogen Testing HOD Technology Provides Documented Results

37 37 Further Development n Finalizing EPA Validation Process n Developing Low-UVT Reactor n Emerging Markets: Municipal Drinking Water / Ground Water Rule Water Re-Use Power Plants Pharmaceutical Industry Semi–Conductor / Electronic Industry n New Applications: Zebra Mussels Activated Carbon Filter Protection

38 38 Summary… Atlantium Advantage n Leader In Innovative Water Disinfection Solutions: Introducing Hydro-Optic Disinfection (HOD) technology A Revolutionary primary disinfection method n Dozens Of Successful Installations & Applications n Comprehensive Intellectual Property (IP) Portfolio Seasoned management, academic and R&D staff Registered and pending patents worldwide n Operations: Europe, US & Asia – 20 Countries Worldwide n Partnering with reps / distributors and solution companies for sales, installation, support, distribution and R&D projects

39 39 Most important … The Factor Sleep Well At Night (SWAN)

40 Norm Sendler Atlantium Technologies, Ltd. 888.846.2464 THANK YOU!

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