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Warm Up – February 7 Answer the following questions on a post it:

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1 Warm Up – February 7 Answer the following questions on a post it:
Why did the Anti-Federalists feel it was necessary to add a Bill of Rights to the Constitution? What rights are protected under the First Amendment? What right is protected under the Second Amendment? What do you think is the historical context for the second amendment (why do you think the framers of the Constitution felt It was necessary to include the second amendment in the Bill of Rights?)

2 Unit 2: Structure of Federalism
Six Basic Principles of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights

3 NFL and the First Amendment
Go to today’s date on and download the file that says “NFL and the First Amendment” – answer the following questions on a post it as you read: What did President Trump request as a consequence for NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem? What did many Republican lawmakers frame the issue of kneeling as? How does the NFL rule book address the issue of what player conduct during the National Anthem? How do player contracts offer teams discretion in regards to player conduct? How does the NFL being a private company effect the issue of kneeling and the First Amendment? In your opinion, should NFL players be allowed to protest the national anthem without consequence?

4 CNN Town Hall on the Parkland shootings
While watching the video – write down on a sheet of paper – The solutions students and politicians have in regards to gun control The politicians’ response to the students suggestions

5 TOD – February 7 Answer the following questions on your sheet of paper: 1. What solutions mentioned in the town hall do you think would be effective in stopping future school shootings? 2. Which ideas mentioned in the town hall do you think would not work in stopping future school shootings? 3. Analyze the security practices here at Heritage, which practices work? What else could specifically be done to make school safer? 4. There was a movement last year following the Parkland school shootings to have every student and teacher participate in a national school walkout, do you think a national walkout is an effective way to protest the lack of gun control and institute change?

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