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SuperKEKB Proto-collaboration

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Presentation on theme: "SuperKEKB Proto-collaboration"— Presentation transcript:

1 SuperKEKB Proto-collaboration
Open Meeting for SuperKEKB Proto-collaboration March 19-20, 2008 4-gokan, Seminar Hall KEK

2 Very Preliminary KEK Roadmap J-PARC KEKB LHC PF/PF-AR
2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 J-PARC construction experiment + upgrade Very Preliminary KEKB experiment upgrade experiment + upgrade LHC construction experiment + upgrade PF/PF-AR experiment + upgrade R&D for Advanced Accelerator and Detector Technology Detector R&D ERL C-ERL R&D construction test experiment PF-ERL R&D construction experiment ILC ILC R&D construction

3 High Energy Physics in the Next Decade
Energy frontier experiments LHC, ILC, … LHC ILC Higgs, SUSY, Dark matter, New understanding of space-time… B Factories, LHCb, K exp., nEDM etc. KEKB upgrade CP asymmetry, Baryogenesis, Left-right symmetry, New sources of flavor mixing… New particles and new interactions Three approaches to New Physics n exp., m LFV, t LFV, gm-2, 0nbb … Neutrino mixing/masses, Lepton number non-conservation… J-PARC Lepton physics Quark flavor physics

4 Si vertex detector with
KEKB Upgrade Plan : Super-B Factory at KEK Asymmetric energy e+e- collider at ECM=m((4S)) to be realized by upgrading the existing KEKB collider. Initial target: 10×higher luminosity  21035/cm2/sec  210 9 BB and t+t- per yr. Final goal: L=81035/cm2/sec and ∫L dt = 50 ab-1 after 3 year shutdown Belle with improved rate immunity Background tolerant small cell drift chamber Faster calorimeter with wave form sampling and pure CsI Si vertex detector with very short strips Crab cavity 3.5GeV e+ 8GeV e- New beam-pipes with ante-chamber Damping ring for e+ New IR with crab crossing and smaller by* More RF for higher beam current SR beam

5 Long term strategy Assumption: Crab scheme works as expected.
10 ab-1:Initial target 50 ab-1:Final goal 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 KEKB upgrade proposed in the Roadmap Achieving 10 ab-1 Achieving 50 ab-1 Upgrade of machine and detector Operation + increase of RF Operation + increase of RF Another decision: Physics results Results from LHC(b) Situation of LC… Tem of the Roadmap

6 “New Physics observed at LHC”
Impact of KEKB upgrade in case: “New Physics observed at LHC” Detailed measurements of New Physics effects in B/D/t decays KEKB upgrade Mass spectra etc. from LHC exp. Fundamental symmetries of the New Physics: P,CP,CPT Elucidating new sources of flavor mixing and CP violation Identification of SUSY breaking mechanism CP asymmetry in B→KKK, fK and h’K       ■   ●      ★ Search for H± in B→tn Obs. SUSY Model mSUGRA SU(5) SUSY GUT + nR (degenerate) (non-degen.) U(2) Flavor symmetry Unitarity triangle B→φKS Time dep. CPV in b→sγ Direct CPV in b→sγ τ→μγ + + + - + +: large +: sizable -: small Y.Okada et al. 0.3 10ab-1 assumed (3s discovery lim.) 0.1 Deviation from SM Present exp. limits 0.03 5ab-1 50ab-1 0.01 1 10 100 Integ. luminosity (ab-1)

7 Flavor physics independent of LHC results
Impact of KEKB upgrade: Flavor physics independent of LHC results Search for New Physics in precision meas. KEKB upgrade Detailed measurements of B/D/t decays 2006 Upper limits BR 4Search for lepton number violating t decay 4Precision test of KM scheme 4D0D0 oscillation and CP violation in charm 4Test of CPT symmetry 4Multi-quark resonances 4Precision meas. of sin2qW and aS at ~10GeV ab-1 2016 Running nature of the fundamental parameters

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