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Activity: What are you talking about? Defining what you mean?

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1 Activity: What are you talking about? Defining what you mean?
Objective: Develop a common language related to the various dimensions of "_____disciplinary". Pre-workshop Activity: Individually, describe how each of the terms - disciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary - are different and how each of the terms are used in the arenas in which you work. Workshop Activity: 1. Write the following terms on the board or on flip chart paper: disciplinary, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary. 2. In your group, share your descriptions and working definitions of each term. Develop a common shared definition for the four terms. Record them. 3. Each member will share their group’s definitions. Develop group working definition

2 Activity: Where do you/we want to go in the next 8 hours
Objective: Define opportunities for the development of new materials and/or plans for activity/course/curriculum development. Pre-workshop Activity: Identify three opportunities where you would like to bring new topics into your curriculum that increases student exposure to Earth science concepts and methods. For each opportunity define challenges that need to be overcome. Workshop Activity: Individually record each of your three opportunities on the sticky notes provided. Post them where instructed. Gallery walk – then silently begin to organize them into common themes.

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