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C. Faloutsos Transactions

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1 C. Faloutsos Transactions
Carnegie Mellon Univ. Dept. of Computer Science Database Applications C. Faloutsos Transactions

2 General Overview Relational model - SQL
Functional Dependencies & Normalization Physical Design &Indexing Query optimization Transaction processing concurrency control recovery C. Faloutsos

3 Transactions - dfn = unit of work, eg. Atomicity (all or none)
move $10 from savings to checking Atomicity (all or none) Consistency Isolation (as if alone) Durability recovery concurrency control C. Faloutsos

4 Transactions - dfn = unit of work, eg. Atomicity (all or none)
move $10 from savings to checking Atomicity (all or none) Consistency Isolation (as if alone) Durability C. Faloutsos

5 Operational details ‘read(x)’: fetches ‘x’ from disk to main memory (= buffer) ‘write(x)’: writes ‘x’ to disk (sometime later) power failure -> troubles! Also, could lead to inconsistencies... C. Faloutsos

6 Durability transactions should survive failures C. Faloutsos

7 Atomicity straightforward: Checking = Checking + 10
Savings = Savings - 10 C. Faloutsos

8 Consistency eg., the total sum of $ is the same, before and after
(but not necessarily during) C. Faloutsos

9 Isolation other transactions should not affect us
counter-example: lost update problem: read(N) N = N - 1 N=N-1 write(N) C. Faloutsos

10 Isolation other transactions should not affect us
counter-example: lost update problem: read(N) N = N - 1 N=N-1 write(N) 1 1 C. Faloutsos

11 Transaction states active aborted failed commited partially committed
C. Faloutsos

12 Outline concurrency control (-> isolation)
‘correct’ interleavings how to achieve them recovery (-> durability, atomicity) C. Faloutsos

13 Concurrency why do we want it? Example of interleaving:
T1: moves $10 from savings (X) to checking (Y) T2: adds 10% interest to everything C. Faloutsos

14 Interleaved execution
‘correct’? C. Faloutsos

15 How to define correctness?
Let’s start from something definitely correct: Serial executions C. Faloutsos

16 Serial execution ‘correct’ by definition C. Faloutsos

17 How to define correctness?
A: Serializability: A schedule (=interleaving) is ‘correct’ if it is serializable, ie., equivalent to a serial interleaving (regardless of the exact nature of the updates) examples and counter-examples: C. Faloutsos

18 Example: ‘Lost-update’ problem
not equivalent to any serial execution (why not?) -> incorrect! C. Faloutsos

19 More details: ‘conflict serializability’
C. Faloutsos

20 Conflict serializability
r/w: eg., object X read by Ti and written by Tj w/w: written by Ti and written by Tj PRECEDENCE GRAPH: Nodes: transactions Arcs: r/w or w/w conflicts C. Faloutsos

21 Cycle -> not serializable
Precedence graph T2 N N T1 Cycle -> not serializable C. Faloutsos

22 Example C. Faloutsos

23 Example A T3 T1 T2 B serial execution? C. Faloutsos

24 Example A: T2, T1, T3 (Notice that T3 should go after T2, although it starts before it!) Q: algo for generating serial execution from (acyclic) precedence graph? C. Faloutsos

25 Example A: Topological sorting C. Faloutsos

26 Serializability Ignore ‘view serializability’
assume ‘no blind writes’, ie, ‘read before write’ C. Faloutsos

27 (counter) example: ‘Inconsistent analysis’
Precedence graph? C. Faloutsos

28 Conclusions ‘ACID’ properties of transactions recovery for ‘A’, ‘D’
concurrency control for ‘I’ correct schedule -> serializable precedence graph acyclic -> serializable C. Faloutsos

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