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English III Revision Day.

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1 English III Revision Day

2 Leader: Good afternoon, Pumas
Leader: Good afternoon, Pumas.  Please compose yourselves for prayer by taking a comfortable position in your chairs.       Leader: Ad Majorem  . . . All: Dei Gloriam.  Leader: We study, work and play All: for the greater glory of God minute reflection   Leader: We close by saying, “Glory to the Father, and to Jesus the Son, and to the Holy Spirit All: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen! ”

3 Do-now: Have out rough drafts, then put this into your notes:
Independent and Dependent Clauses Independent Clause = stands alone, can be a full sentence on its own. Has a subject, verb, and expresses a complete thought. e.g. Jim studied at Caribou for his English quiz. Dependent Clause = has a subject and verb, but does not express a complete thought. Dependent clauses have “marker” words– if a sentence starts with one, it is NOT a full thought. Common “marker” words: after, although, as, as if, because, before, even if, even though, if, in order to, since, though, unless, until, whatever, when, whenever, whether, while. e.g. When Jim studied at Caribou for his English quiz.

4 Try some: Is the bolded/underlined part a dependent or independent clause?
I wanted to get my car’s oil changed. Although I know I don’t need to get it changed yet. Dependent I was worried. My cat had been gone all night! Independent When you wake up tomorrow, make sure you pack your lunch. Make sure you eat a healthy breakfast. Since you need to study for your exam. Breakfast is important. Make sure you eat a healthy breakfast. Since you need to study for your exam. Breakfast is important.

5 Prayer Period 2: Ms. Stitt Period 4: Juan Period 6: Drakarr
Fri: Xochitl, Mon: Stephanie B., Tues: Cassie, Period 4: Juan Fri: Jannely, Mon: Johnathan C., Tues: Luz Period 6: Drakarr Mon: Brisseida, Tues: Myrianna, Wed: Angel Period 7: Lupita Fri: David, Mon: Zaria, Tues: Yesenia Prayer

6 Announcements: Next journals due December 15th

7 Tip of the Day: TIP #15: Weather v. whether.
Weather = climate outside (think weather has “eath” which sounds like “earth,” and that relates to our outside environment) Whether = a choice between two alternatives Examples: Some of us do not like the cold weather outside because it’s painful to breathe. She had to choose whether she wanted a hot chocolate or

8 SWBAT: Revise one’s own and a peer’s paper

9 REVISION TIME! FIRST: Read your essay out loud.
Change any awkwardness you find. You have about 5 minutes. SECOND: Circle one quote in your essay that you think is your weakest quote. Find a new and improved quote. You may ask your partner if you need help.

10 REVISION TIME! THIRD: Underline your thesis
Underline the first sentence of each body paragraph and the first sentence of your conclusion paragraph Read them as if they were one paragraph. It should “flow”

11 Sample: Thesis: Friendship is truly the strongest force in this book, and the theme is shown especially through the characterization of Abby and Mary Warren. BP1 Claim: Abigail’s personality of love and kindness shows how friendship is essential, as she is the most devoted friend to anyone around her. BP2 Claim: Because Abby’s only motive is to try and help everyone, it helps the reader to understand the importance of friendship as we see all of the good that comes of her kindness. BP3 Claim: Mary Warren also contributes to developing friendships, as she is motivated by a desire to please everyone around her. Conclusion: Through Mary Warren and Abby, the reader can understand how friendship is the strongest force throughout The Crucible.

12 Peer Revision: We’ll number off and you will have a partner.
With your partner, use the sheet Ms. Stitt gives you to revise each others’ essays. When you have gone through your partner’s essay, discuss what you thought was great and what you thought needed some fixing. If you finish early, begin making the corrections to your essay.

13 Of Mice and Men Anticipation:
You will individually consider each statement on the anticipation guide. Determine if you agree or disagree. Groups: When you move into your group, share your responses to each question. Nominate one person to record a summary statement about what your group believed about each statement. e.g. #1: Most of us it is better to be realistic because if you fail at your overly lofty goals, then you don’t have the motivation to reach even a realistic goal. Nominate one DIFFERENT person to speak and share your group’s thoughts with the class.

14 HW: Final drafts due SUNDAY– come talk to me if you want help revising OR set up an appt. with Ms. Cruz in the writing lab. Bring an outside reading book on Friday. Exit: What was one correction your partner told you to make? What was one thing your partner said you did well?

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