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ACTING AND Characterization

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Presentation on theme: "ACTING AND Characterization"— Presentation transcript:

1 ACTING AND Characterization
Creating a character

2 What Is acting? Acting is telling the truth under imaginary circumstances

3 Portraying a character
Be as honest as possible How would this character act under these specific circumstances Don’t Settle For cheap imitations Don’t be a Caricature Don’t be a stereotype

4 Acting is re-acting Listening and re-acting to what your partner is doing/saying How your character responds to different circumstances is often determined by the amount of research your put into their back story

5 What does your character want
Objective: What your character wants, or needs Obstacle: What is preventing your character from get they want Tactic: How your character gets what they want—strategies. EXAMPLE: Objective: Character wants a new phone Obstacle: parent doesn’t want to buy a new phone Tactics: Character begs (please, please, please) Character bargains (I’ll do extra chores) Character threatens (I’ll drop out of school if you don’t)


7 How to create a character
An actor uses his or her mind, face, body, and voice to think, talk, act, and react like someone else.

8 Example 2

9 Example

10 TWO COMPONENTS External characteristics: how the character appears physically. How they walk, sit, stand. How they sound. The clothes they wear, their hair, etc. Internal characteristics: Character’s background, upbringing, religious and political beliefs, their relationships to the other characters in the show.

Outward , visible qualities: age, gender, manner of dress, movements, posture. Mannerisms: habits or simple behaviors that are unconsciously repeated, such as nail biting, chewing a lip, or twisting a lock of hair.

12 vocalization *Listen to as many different voices as possible. *For each voice, notice the quality and tone , the patterns of speech, and the accent or dialect.

13 Observation One of the most important skills you can develop is the ability to observe people. Observing real people in real situations will help you develop original characters.

Include every aspect of the character’s identity: background and life experiences, personality, intelligence, education, personality, interests, job or occupation, and physical, mental, and emotional health. Also the character’s place or role in society, as well as beliefs, attitudes and values, and wants and needs.

15 Create a character backstory
Your character’s favorite things Where they grew up What they believe in What they are embarrassed about What are their secrets What do they want more than anything in world

16 example

17 Backstage roles

18 Rehearsal process First Read Table Work Blocking Rehearsal
Run Throughs Tech Rehearsals Dress Rehearsal Final Dress PERFORMANCE

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