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The Circulatory System

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1 The Circulatory System

2 Functions of the Circulatory System
Transports: nutrients Wastes hormones Gases heat throughout the body.

3 Structure of the Heart

4 The Structure of the Heart and Flow of Blood through the Heart
1. Blood enters the heart through the vena cava 2. It flows into the right atrium 3. It passes into the right ventricle through the triscupid valve 4. It then passes into the pulmonary artery through the pulmonary valve 5. It enter the lungs and picks up oxygen 6. It enters the heart through the pulmonary vein 7. Blood flows into the left atrium 8. It passes into the left ventricle through the mitral valve 9. It then passes into the aorta through the aortic valve 10. It then travels to the body

5 Flow of Blood Through the Heart

6 Parts of Blood Red blood cells carry oxygen (O2) from your lungs to
your body cells and carbon dioxide (CO2) from your body cells back to your lungs to be exhaled White blood cells defend against disease Platelets Cell fragments needed for clotting Plasma Yellowish liquid that consists mostly of water; contains proteins, nutrients,hormones, gases and inorganic salts

7 Blood Types and How They are Inherited
Type A and B are co-dominant over type O Blood group A - AA or AO Have A antigens and B antibodies Can receive type A or O blood Can donate to A or AB Blood group B – BB or Bo Have B antigens and A antibodies Can receive type B or O blood Can donate to B or AB Blood group AB - AB have both A and B antigens and no A or B antibodies Can receive A, B or O blood Can donate to AB only Blood group O – OO Have neither A or B antigens, and both A and B antibodies Can receive O blood only Can donate to A, B, AB or O

8 Diseases of the Circulatory System
Heart Attack - When arteries are clogged to the point of decreasing or stopping the flow of blood to the heart muscle, a lack of oxygen damages or kills heart muscle causing a heart attack. Recognizing symptoms and getting prompt emergency treatment can eliminate, prevent or limit the amount of heart muscle damage.

9 Stroke – affects the blood vessels in the brain
Stroke – affects the blood vessels in the brain. While some strokes occur when a blood vessel bursts, most strokes happen for the same reasons as a heart attack, clogged or blocked vessels. All strokes pose serious health threats.

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