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Mastery Comprehensive knowledge or skill in a particular subject or activity. Control over something.

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1 Mastery Comprehensive knowledge or skill in a particular subject or activity. Control over something

2 Shanghai Maths Sessions
There are specific math teachers who only plan and teach maths. Children are all taught maths in the morning. The teachers use the afternoon to assess and plan for the next lesson. Part of the afternoon includes specific math intervention sessions in which children are pre-taught skills, consolidate skills, revisit skills. The outcome is that they are clear about their progress in the subject.


4 Evidence from the Education Endowment Foundation, strategies that are in place in schools to secure progress Feedback Time for teacher/TA to feedback on the child’s progress in the lesson. Studies have shown that the effect on progress is high, 5 to 8 months. Verbal feedback is more immediate and effective. Using phrases such as: “ This is good because you…. How could you…. Why do you think…. It is an encouraging dialogue. Teacher learns more about a child’s thinking which would help plan the next lesson. Feedback can lead to a challenge, “Think Pink” Peer Feedback if focused can have the same positive effect on progress.

5 Meta-Cognition Children learning how to learn. Setting their own goals and working towards them. This has high levels of impact, 8 months. Giving children the opportunity to plan what they are going to do and then evaluate it. (EYFS). Collaborative Learning Children cooperating collaboratively on a task. This can have a positive impact and it can have no impact. It is dependent on the task/challenge set matching the learning intended. Mastery Learning Planning small steps of progress which have broken a concept into small attainable tasks and the children do not move on until they have achieved the learning. More effective with the use of peer learning too.

6 Our plan is to have a daily Mastery Session in the afternoon for about half an hour so not only the learning in the morning/week can be revisited to recap, consolidate and extended but to also give the children a choice what they would like to improve on, practise or extend. It is up to each teacher how this is managed. To give the children time to take ownership and feel that they have mastered their skills and to feel great about themselves. To feel proud. To give teachers/TAs time to carryout interventions/ group work/individual work. To have time to listen to, give feedback and acknowledge the talents of the children in their class. To use this time in the best way they can to ensure all children make the progress they are capable of. For children and teachers/TAs to enjoy learning.

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