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SCI 340 L39 Wave interference

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1 SCI 340 L39 Wave interference
Combining Waves Ch. 17

2 SCI 340 L39 Wave interference
Group Work Sketch the wave resulting from the addition of the two waves shown at one instant. 3 –3

3 SCI 340 L39 Wave interference
Group Work Sketch the wave resulting from the addition of the two waves shown at one instant. 3 result –3

4 SCI 340 L39 Wave interference
Constructive: Sum of waves has increased amplitude Destructive: Sum of waves has decreased amplitude Two-wave simulation (not functional) Run at: w1 = 0.2; k1 = 0.2; ampl = 15 integral multiples (half, third, quarter) of lambda: multiply W1, k1 by 2, 3, 4 add same-lambda wave with negative amplitude Beats: slightly vary w2 and k2 together from wave 1 values (0.22 and 0.22; 0.21 and 0.21, etc.) Standing waves (use w of about 0.2; try w = 0.2, k = 0.1)

5 SCI 340 L39 Wave interference
Diffraction § 17.3

6 SCI 340 L39 Wave interference
Objectives Use Huygens’s principle to explain why diffraction occurs. Describe the diffraction of waves around barriers.

7 SCI 340 L39 Wave interference
Diffraction A wave front passing through a barrier bends at the edges Run at: w1 = 0.2; k1 = 0.2; ampl = 15 integral multiples (half, third, quarter) of lambda: multiply w1, k1 by 2, 3, 4 add same-lambda wave with negative amplitude Beats: slightly vary w2 and k2 together from wave 1 values (0.22 and 0.22; 0.21 and 0.21, etc.) Standing waves (use w of about 0.2; try w = 0.2, k = 0.1)

8 Understanding Diffraction
SCI 340 L39 Wave interference Understanding Diffraction Huygens’s Principle: A wave front is composed of “wavelets”

9 Understanding Diffraction
SCI 340 L39 Wave interference Understanding Diffraction Huygens’s Principle: A wave front is composed of “wavelets” that interfere to produce the observed front

10 Single Slit Diffraction
SCI 340 L39 Wave interference Single Slit Diffraction Plane waves encounter a slit in a barrier And diffract as they pass through

11 SCI 340 L39 Wave interference
Diffraction Wavelets interfere to make nodes and antinodes (ripple tank simulation) Run at: w1 = 0.2; k1 = 0.2; ampl = 15 integral multiples (half, third, quarter) of lambda: multiply w1, k1 by 2, 3, 4 add same-lambda wave with negative amplitude Beats: slightly vary w2 and k2 together from wave 1 values (0.22 and 0.22; 0.21 and 0.21, etc.) Standing waves (use w of about 0.2; try w = 0.2, k = 0.1)

12 SCI 340 L39 Wave interference
Where are the Nodes? First minimum (node) at the angle where wave front cancels ½ slit across Half cycle out of phase Destructive interference Run at: w1 = 0.2; k1 = 0.2; ampl = 15 integral multiples (half, third, quarter) of lambda: multiply w1, k1 by 2, 3, 4 add same-lambda wave with negative amplitude Beats: slightly vary w2 and k2 together from wave 1 values (0.22 and 0.22; 0.21 and 0.21, etc.) Standing waves (use w of about 0.2; try w = 0.2, k = 0.1) Reach the detector at the same time D l

13 First Node Rectangular slit: sin q = l/D
Circular aperture: sin q = 1.22 l/D Most energy is between the first nodes A narrow aperture makes a wider dispersion Maximum (sin q) = 1 no nodes if D < l

14 SCI 340 L39 Wave interference
Beats § 17.4

15 SCI 340 L39 Wave interference
Beats Waves of similar frequency combine to give alternating times of constructive and destructive interference Distinctive “waa-waa” sound with beat frequency equal to the difference in frequency of the component waves (Why?) (sound files)

16 Standing Waves Interference in place § 17.5–17.6

17 SCI 340 L39 Wave interference
Standing Waves Sum of waves of equal amplitude and wavelength traveling in opposite directions Half-wavelength divides exactly into the available space Wave pattern has locations of minimum and maximum variation (nodes and antinodes) (standing longitudinal waves) Run at: w1 = 0.2; k1 = 0.2; ampl = 15 integral multiples (half, third, quarter) of lambda: multiply w1, k1 by 2, 3, 4 add same-lambda wave with negative amplitude Beats: slightly vary w2 and k2 together from wave 1 values (0.22 and 0.22; 0.21 and 0.21, etc.) Standing waves (use w of about 0.2; try w = 0.2, k = 0.1)

18 SCI 340 L39 Wave interference
Resonance Objects have characteristic frequencies at which standing waves are sustained Lowest frequency = fundamental Higher frequencies = overtones Sustained motion is a combination of normal modes

19 Vibrational Modes: Clamped String
SCI 340 L39 Wave interference Vibrational Modes: Clamped String Insert Figure 15.3 from class text Source: Griffith, The Physics of Everyday Phenomena, Figure 15.13

20 Group Work Add together: a fundamental and second overtone.

21 SCI 340 L39 Wave interference
Group Work Result Add together: a fundamental and first overtone. Approaching a sawtooth wave

22 SCI 340 L39 Wave interference
Group Work Result Add together: a fundamental and second overtone. Approaching a square wave

23 Combinations of Harmonics
SCI 340 L39 Wave interference Combinations of Harmonics Characteristic sounds arise from combining particular harmonics in specific ratios Fourier analysis suimulation flute oboe saxophone

24 “Closed” and “Open” Tube Modes
SCI 340 L39 Wave interference “Closed” and “Open” Tube Modes Source: Halliday, Resnick, and Walker, Fundamentals of Physics, 2003, p 419.

25 SCI 340 L39 Wave interference
Poll Question Which has the lowest fundamental tone? A closed tube of length L. An open tube of length L. Both have the same fundamental tone. Not enough information.

26 SCI 340 L39 Wave interference
Sequence of Harmonics Western musical scale and harmonies are based on overtone series (sound files) Sound files: overtones of open tube or clamped string

27 Musical Tones Octave higher = 2 the frequency
Octave + fifth: 3 the frequency Even-tempered scale = compromise to facilitate transposition 12 (half-) steps per octave Half-step:  the frequency 12

28 Two-Dimensional Waves
SCI 340 L39 Wave interference Two-Dimensional Waves Ocean waves Earthquake surface waves Animation rectangular membrane Animation circular membrane

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