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WISE Main Rivers & Main Lakes (MR & ML)

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Presentation on theme: "WISE Main Rivers & Main Lakes (MR & ML)"— Presentation transcript:

1 WISE Main Rivers & Main Lakes (MR & ML)
WG D meeting Brussels WISE Main Rivers & Main Lakes (MR & ML) GIS reference layer – state of play Agenda 8.b Bo N Jacobsen / Oscar Gomez EEA

2 State-of-play since last WG D meeting April 2010
WISE MR & ML Presented and discussed at WISE TG meeting June 2010 Based on this – a communication to MS (WG D) asking for link between river water bodies and river system mail from DG ENV Direct mail to selected MS as reminder BG, ES, FI, GR, IE, IT, NL, PL, UK response from UK, IT and HU Direct mail to MS not yet reported Art. 13 spatial data timing on expected submissions for GIS reference layer preparation BE, CY, DK, EE, HU, LU, MT, PT, NO Response from BE(Bru, Wal), HU

3 LAKES Source: WFD art 13 reporting Destination: ECRINS DB Situation:
very good match, the attributes are transferred  91% (1061 out of 1164) Lake not existing on ECRINS  it’s added to ECRINS (in some cases dialogue with MSs will be needed) More than one WB reported for one ECRINS lake


5 New reservoirs (ES, PT)

6 Problems with delineation (dialogue with MSs needed)

7 More than one WB on a single ECRINS lake

8 RIVERS Part of the process of transferring art. 13 attributes to ECRINS Status: first part (pure GIS processing) finished for the MSs that have reported One subproduct of this exercise is a new layer of WISE MR, consistent with art. 13 deliveries. For the countries that have not reported, the old WISE MR layer will be used

9 Matching of art. 13 to ECRINS
For main rivers, match above 80% of the segments Most of the segments missing due to local topology issues Allows analyzing reported data such as ecological status in an homogeneous way for all EU

10 ECRINS geometries (Loire)

11 Art 13 main rivers For these ones we can’t find a match (this year, as we foresee technical improvements)

12 Next steps Finalising WISE MR & ML GIS reference layer for MS having reported to WFD Art. 13 and taking responses up til 15 Oct. into account Next version ready for presentation at WISE GIS workshop Nov. at EEA

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