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Presentation on theme: "GOD v. NUMBERS JUDGES 6-8."— Presentation transcript:


2 God Calls Gideon Jg 6:11-24 Oppression by the Midianites Jg 6:1-10
Because of disobedience v.1,7-10 Numbers were a problem v.5 Called a mighty man of valor v.12 How can evil happen if God is with us? v.13 How can I save Israel? v.15 Give me a sign that you are God v.17 Built an altar to Jehovah v.24

3 The First Battle Jg 6:25-32 Take the second bull to tear down the altar of Baal and Asherah v.25 Then sacrifice the bull on the Lord’s altar Use the Asherah wood for the fire v.26 Did it that night with ten servants v.27 Next day, people wanted to kill Gideon v.28-30 His father said, “Let Baal defend himself” v.31-32

4 The Second Battle Jg 6:32-8:21
At least 135,000 camped in Jezreel 8:10 Gideon called northern tribes 6:34-35 Requested another sign 6:36-40 32,000 too many against 135,000 7:1-8 70% left out of fear v.3 10,000 still too many 2 Cor. 13:4; 1 Cor. 1:18-31 Practical character test needed v. 4-8 They were set apart v

5 The Second Battle Jg 6:32-8:21
A bonus sign! 7:9-15 With new faith, Gideon led attack 7:16-23 Organized attack  confused enemy Pursued to east of Jordan Asked for Ephraim’s help 7:24-25 caught princes Angry that Gideon hadn’t called them to main battle 8:1 Gideon’s wise reply v.2-3

6 The Second Battle Jg 6:32-8:21
Asked Succoth and Penuel for food 8:5,8 They refused without guarantees v.6-9 300 defeated 15,000; captured kings v.10-12 Returned to teach Succoth a lesson and punish Penuel v.13-17 Treated kings as they treated others v.18-21; Matt. 7:12; Psalm 18:25-26 GLORIFY GOD

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