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Unit4: Evolution 03/09/1920.

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1 Unit4: Evolution 03/09/1920

2 Sandards: S7L5a I can describe ways in which species on earth have evolved due to natural selection. S7L5b I can recognize that changes in environmental conditions can affect the survival of both individuals and entire species. I can explain that physical characteristics of organisms have changed over time due to changing conditions. (e.g. Darwin’s finches and peppered moths of Manchester) S7L5c I can trace evidence that the fossil record provides evidence for the long history of changing life forms. I can trace evidence that fossil record in sedimentary rock provides evidence for the history of changing life form.

3 Unit Essential Question
How have adaptations in behavior or physical structure contributed to natural selection and the vast diversity seen among organisms today?​ How do physical characteristics of organisms demonstrate/support the theory of evolution? How does natural selection affect the evolution of species on earth? How does the fossil record provide evidence of evolution?

4 Academic Vocabulary: photosynthesis the process by which plants and some other organisms capture the energy in sunlight and use it to make food autotroph an organism that makes its own food heterotroph an organism that cannot make its own food pigment a colored chemical compound that absorbs light chlorophyll a green pigment found in the chloroplasts of plants, algae, and some bacteria stomata small openings on the underside of a leaf through which oxygen and carbon dioxide can move respiration the process by which cells break down simple food molecules to release the energy they contain fermentation the process by which cells break down molecules to release energy without using oxygen cell cycle the regular sequence of growth and division that cells undergo interphase the stage of the cell cycle that takes place before cell division occurs replication the process by which a cell makes a copy of the DNA in its nucleus mitosis the stage of the cell cycle during which the cell's nucleus divides into two new nuclei and one copy of the DNA is distributed into each daughter cell

5 Vocab Continued prophase Chromatin in the nucleus condenses to form chromosomes. The pairs of centrioles move to opposite sides of the nucleus. Spindle fibers form a bridge between the ends of the cell. The nuclear envelope breaks down. metaphase The chromosomes line up across the center of the cell. Each chromosome attaches to a spindle fiber at its centromere. anaphase The centromeres split. The two chromatids separate and each chromatid becomes a new chromosome. The new chromosomes move to opposite ends of the cell. The cell stretches out as the opposite ends are pushed apart. telophase The chromosomes begin to stretch out and lose their rod-like appearance. A new nuclear envelope forms around each region of chromosomes. cytokinesis The final stage of the cell cycle, in which the cell's cytoplasm divides, distributing the organelles into each of the two new cells. chromosome A doubled rod of condensed chromatin; contains DNA that carries genetic info. cancer a disease in which some body cells grow and divide uncontrollably, damaging the parts of the body around them mutation a change in a gene or chromosome tumor a mass of abnormal cells that develops when cancerous cells divide and grow uncontrollably chemotherapy the use of drugs to treat diseases such as cancer radiation beams of high-energy waves

6 Cell processand energy ppt
Cell Structure and Processes d=27151&FileName=Cell%20Structure%20Guide.pdf

7 Check for understanding:
Students will complete the following worksheets: Meiosis Review Worksheet file:///D:/Documents/SCI/SCI/Meiosis_Worksheets.pdf Phases labeling exercise file:///D:/Downloads/Meiosis%20Practice%20Wkst%20.pdf BIOLOGY JUNCTION – Students will be granted an oprotunity to research cells and cells processes independently.

8 Guided practice: Cell Alive
This is a great interactive site to practice cell structures and functions Cell Process- This is a great site to review photosynthesis products and reactants Evolution-Great interactive site. Play a fun game while reviewing the concepts of Evolution and Natural Selection. Biology for Kids

9 homework Monday – complete vocabulary definitions.
Tue – create a model of photosynthesis with a peer. Wed – Cloze using key terms Thur – Study vocabulary words Friday - Quiz

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