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Creating Magic Through Collaboration

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1 Creating Magic Through Collaboration
Scottish Borders Council - Earlston Cluster SEIC Conference 5th March 2019

2 “Individually we are one drop; but together we are an ocean.”
– Ryunosoke Satoro Good morning / introduce myself Fantastic to be here Presenting in front of our colleagues from SEIC Representing Cluster and Local Authority To be talking about ‘magic’ – a story not often captured in a world of intelligent data and triangulation of evidence Our story is one of collaboration HTs of E C (8 primary, 1 HS) building on years of collaborating to combine their PEF funding to address a recognised need in numeracy The creation of a dedicated team to plan and facilitate the project; PEF strategic lead; programme co-coordinator; Additional Needs Assistants As well as collaboration within the team and HTs, there was also collaboration with Scottish Attainment Advisors, LA Attainment Officers – to plan and implement the project using the Quality Improvement Methodology Ultimately, working together to have used the Quality Improvement Methodology to make a measurable difference for over 60 of the most vulnerable children in our cluster Where is the magic? 1. In the impact for the learners 2. The empowerment of all staff 3. The empowerment of a class teacher. Over to Kim

3 Identifying the Cluster need 2017 /2018
Total number of PEF eligible pupils per school: Free School Meals Clothing Grant Looked After Children Hidden Poverty Attainment data for all PEF eligible pupils Attainment trends primary / secondary JW

4 CAP1 & CAP2 Identifying the Cluster need 2017 /2018
Information gave us a clear rationale for Children Affected by Poverty to receive a Numeracy and Maths intervention (CAP1) Learners with high attainment in Numeracy and Maths receive a Health and Wellbeing intervention (CAP2) JW

5 Identifying the Cluster need 2017 /2018
CAP1 68 learners GL Assessment used as cluster baseline Measures; Stanine, Standardised Age Score; Total Raw Score; Number, Money and Measure score JW

6 Intervention Knowledge Cluster / School Evaluation
Identifying the cluster aim – CAP1 Intervention Knowledge Baseline Data Cluster / School Evaluation JW

7 Implementation – Planning

8 Programme Coordinator
Implementation - Leadership Strategic Lead Cluster DHT EHS ANA 2.00 FTE CPS ANA 0.44 FTE EPS ANA 0.66 FTE GPS ANA 0.34 FTE LPS ANA 1.00 FTE MPS St.BPS NPS Programme Coordinator CT 0.44FTE JW

9 Implementation - Staffing
Melrose PS KW Lauder PS

10 Implementation – Intervention: Target setting
Collaboration with class teacher Collaboration with SfLT, ANA and pupil Earlston HS Gordon PS KW

11 A timed assessment with no support
Implementation – Intervention: Baseline A timed assessment with no support 4/ minutes no support KW

12 Implementation – Intervention: Daily sessions
Interactive Activity focused on their target Gordon PS KW Lauder PS

13 Implementation – Intervention: Daily sessions
1:1 A quiet space Earlston PS KW Channelkirk PS

14 Implementation – Intervention - Weekly Assessments
Pupils complete run charts Newtown PS KW

15 Project evaluation 2017/2018 Quantitative Data People’s Views
Pupil run charts Monthly frequency returns / QA records Stanine measures Standardised age scores Number, money and measure scores Raw score data People’s Views Pupil surveys ANA surveys SfL surveys Cluster CT surveys Direct Observation Programme coordinator quality assurance – intervention observation JW

16 Quantitative Data 63% of CAP 1 pupils demonstrated an increase of at least 1 stanine in their standardised testing scores in maths and numeracy. JW

17 Standardised Age Score
Quantitative Data 76% of CAP 1 pupils have demonstrated an increase in their Standardised Age Score (SAS) Standardised Age Score JW

18 Number, Money & Measure score
Quantitative Data 79% of CAP 1 pupils demonstrated an increase in their Number, Money and Measure scores Number, Money & Measure score JW

19 Total raw score Quantitative Data
82% of CAP 1 pupils demonstrated an increase in their total raw scores (TRS) Total raw score JW

20 Quantitative Data Cluster Final Assessment May 18 Below Average
Above Average JW

21 Self-belief Motivation Engagement Confidence
Quantitative / Individual’s Views Self-belief Motivation Engagement Confidence KW

22 Individual views Laura, P7
I’m delighted to see the increase in Laura’s confidence and willingness to explain her thinking within numeracy. She is able to recall basic number facts much more readily. I didn’t think I could do my 8 times table at first but look at me now! I feel much more confident with my maths. Class teacher Anything that helps Laura is fantastic. I am very grateful for the support and patience (the ANA) has given her. Laura is always telling me what she does in her 1:1 sessions, they sound a lot of fun. Laura, P7 Parent KW

23 Year 2 – A changing picture for 2018/2019
Like for like comparisons year 1 and year 2 JW

24 Year 2 – Early balance measures
Pupils… December 2018 May 2018 October 2018 Enjoy working with an adult away from class most of the time, nearly all of the time or always. 94% 95% Said that the extra help they are getting is helping them with their learning most of the time, nearly all of the time or always. 96% 98% Said that the extra help they are getting is making things easier for them in class most of the time, nearly all of the time or always. 97% Said that the extra help makes them more confident most of the time, nearly all of the time or always. 90% Said that they know what target they are working on most of the time, nearly all of the time or always 93% KW

25 Year 2 – Aims and development
By May 2019 we aim for 85% of CAP1 pupils to increase by 1 stanine in their standardised testing scores in Maths and Numeracy JW

26 Creating Magic Through Collaboration

27 “Individually we are one drop; but together we are an ocean.”
– Ryunosoke Satoro Good morning / introduce myself Fantastic to be here Presenting in front of our colleagues from SEIC Representing Cluster and Local Authority To be talking about ‘magic’ – a story not often captured in a world of intelligent data and triangulation of evidence Our story is one of collaboration HTs of E C (8 primary, 1 HS) building on years of collaborating to combine their PEF funding to address a recognised need in numeracy The creation of a dedicated team to plan and facilitate the project; PEF strategic lead; programme co-coordinator; Additional Needs Assistants As well as collaboration within the team and HTs, there was also collaboration with Scottish Attainment Advisors, LA Attainment Officers – to plan and implement the project using the Quality Improvement Methodology Ultimately, working together to have used the Quality Improvement Methodology to make a measurable difference for over 60 of the most vulnerable children in our cluster Where is the magic? 1. In the impact for the learners 2. The empowerment of all staff 3. The empowerment of a class teacher. Over to Kim

28 Creating Magic Through Collaboration
Scottish Borders Council - Earlston Cluster SEIC Conference 5th March 2019

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