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2 What is HTML? HyperText Markup Language
Common language or program that creates web pages that can be read by all browsers Uses plain text (ASCII) with programming tags to display information on the screen

3 Versions of HTML HTML 2.0 was first standard; all browsers can read this version HTML 3.2 was developed to add features to web pages HTML 4.0 incorporates style sheets XHTML 1.0 current standard Stick with basic code for most usability; some tags only work in specific browsers

4 Tags Web pages read text modified with tags
A tag tells a browser how to display text Most commands have a beginning and ending tag Beginning tag example: <b> Ending tag example: </b> Example: <b>These words are in bold.</b>

5 Guidelines for Tags It doesn’t matter if tags are upper or lower case
If you forget the closing tag (ex: </b>), the browser does not stop treating the text Making an error does not “bomb” out your program; it just looks strange If the browser does not understand a tag, it ignores it

6 HEAD and BODY Tags Each web page has two distinct parts: <head> </head> and <body> </body> <head> displays information that is not seen on the screen <body> displays information that is seen on the screen All web pages begin with <html> tag and end with </html> tag

7 COMMENT Tag A comment tag does not display on the screen and is just added for information Comment tag begins with ! and does not have a closing tag <!This web page is written by Jennie> Title tag is placed in heading and does not display on the screen; it does, however, display as the title of the web page in the browser

8 TITLE Tag The title tag adds a name to the web page
Title tag text does not display on screen, but it does display in title portion of browser The title tag is what is used to bookmark or add a site to the favorites list <title>Welcome to BHS</title>

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