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How can different generations be resources?

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Presentation on theme: "How can different generations be resources?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How can different generations be resources?
Get Ready to Read How can different generations be resources? Turn to page Noah helped plan a special occasion. What special occasions have you celebrated with your family? Before friends and family congregate, they talk about everything that they must do to ensure that the event foes smoothly. What does your family do to prepare for an event where people will congregate?

2 Get Ready to Read Amazing Words Supervision– the act of overseeing the performance of a person or groups. Yesterday we read that Tillie Nachman provided supervision to Noah when he said he wanted to learn how to do calligraphy. What did Tillie’s supervision consist of? Who has provided supervision to your class at school? Caretaker– one that gives physical or emotional care and support. We hired a caretaker to watch our dog while we were on vacation. Dependent- relying on another for support. Plants are dependent on the sun for food. Who are you dependent on? For what?

3 Get Ready to Read Comprehension Check Give two examples that show that The View From Saturday is humorous fiction. How do your examples show humor? What is the main conflict in the plot so far? How would you summarize Noah’s involvement in the wedding? How do context clues help reveal the meaning of unaccompanied on page 197? The planning of a wedding requires families and friends to work together. What qualities do you think you need to have in order to work effectively with many generations of family?

4 Read and Comprehend Retell what has happened in A View From Saturday so far. Include details.

5 As you read pages 200-201, think about:
Read and Comprehend As you read pages , think about: What do you think an antonym for scrunches is? Reread the first full paragraph on page 201 and use context clues to determine the meaning of the word presentable. What is an antonym for presentable? What causes Noah to volunteer to be Izzy’s best man? How would you describe the character Allen? What makes him likeable or not likeable?

6 As you read 202-203, think about:
Read and Comprehend As you read , think about: At the beginning of the story Noah complains about his visit to Florida. Now, Noah’s tone and actions are different. What is the author trying to tell or teach us through this change in Noah’s tone and actions? Near the end of page 203. Noah says that the best gift of all is “to give up your gift.” What do you think he means by that? Why does the author include specific details of Jewish culture, such as the wedding canopy called a chupah, Izzy smashing the glass, and everyone yelling mazel tov?

7 How effective is the sequence of events? Explain your answer.
Read and Comprehend Read pages How would you summarize what Noah learns from his experience at Century Village? How does Noah’s reflection on his trip affect his attitude toward writing a bread-and0butter letter to his grandparents? What conclusion can you draw about how Noah’s feelings about Century Village changed from the beginning of the story until the end? How effective is the sequence of events? Explain your answer. Complete the Think Critically questions on page 206.

8 Research and Study Skills
Read and Comprehend Research and Study Skills Schedule Schedules may show times, dates, and locations for activities. A schedule is usually arranged in chronological order, from earliest to latest. Why do people make schedules? How do you read a schedule, such as a train or bus schedule, that is written in the form of a table? What information is not included in a schedule?

9 Contractions & Negatives
Language Arts Contractions & Negatives A contraction is a shortened form of two words with an apostrophe that replaces the letter or letters that are left out. Negatves are words that mean “no” or “not.” Words that end in -n’t are negatives and contractions. Avoid using two negatives in the same sentence. Connect a word from the left with one from the right and form a contraction They Would We Will Do Not I have

10 Take out your spelling list and write each word five times.
Language Arts Spelling Take out your spelling list and write each word five times.

11 Writing a Review Open to page 209 and read the student example.
Language Arts Writing a Review Open to page 209 and read the student example. What are some of the features you notice in this example? Begin writing your rough draft.

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