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Success with Timed Writings AP Central

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1 Success with Timed Writings AP Central
You can improve your score by following some simple guidelines.

2 Carefully read the prompt. Underline key words or elements.
In a literary work, a minor character, often known as a foil, possesses traits that emphasize, by contrast or comparison, the distinctive characteristics and qualities of the main character. A foil can be used by an author to highlight weaknesses or strengths of the main character. Choose a character from one of the works listed below who functions as a foil to a main character. Write an essay in which you analyze how the relation or contrast between the minor character and the main character illuminates the meaning (remember this means THEME!) of the work. Avoid plot summary.

3 Prewriting List the possible minor characters who could be used to develop this idea. Consider literary elements you can include in your essay (characterization, protagonist, dynamic or static character, etc.) List the contrasting characteristics Maybe a T-chart to compare and contrast foil to main character

4 T-Chart characteristic two contrasting idea
Minor character/foil Main character (protagonist) characteristic one contrasting idea characteristic two contrasting idea characteristic three contrasting idea **If you cannot come up with at least three, discard the character and try a different one.

5 Think about your statements/commentary/ support for your essay.
Statement about your character Commentary about the statement Support from the text (Remember on Question 3, you will not have access to the actual text so paraphrasing will be adequate, but this is an excellent reason for knowing some novels well.

6 Remember your tag items. Title Author genre
Develop your thematic thesis statement using the language of the prompt Remember your tag items. Title Author genre Elements (on this prompt characterization would work well) Tone word Theme incorporated into the thesis

7 Develop each aspect of the topic.
A reason to come up with three ideas in prewriting is to have points to develop. Develop each thoroughly. Do not get caught in the plot summary trap. Return to your thesis periodically to make sure you are not straying from your thesis. First and foremost, SAY SOMETHING. Do not expect to score well with surface level thinking and comments. Show that you know and understand the literary work and its complexities.

8 Conclusion Try to have enough time to add a conclusion even if it is only one statement.

9 Time and other issues Watch your time but do not obsess over it.
Think through your ideas. Prewriting allows you to think before you begin writing, so you can write in some organized fashion. Write neatly!! Someone who does not know you or your handwriting will be scoring your writing.

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