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Update on CGMS action and EUMETSAT Microwave Activities

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1 Update on CGMS action and EUMETSAT Microwave Activities
Tim Hewison GSICS Microwave Sub-Group 24 Oct 2018

2 At CGMS-46 Draft list of plenary actions resulting from CGMS-46 discussions (11 June 2018): WGI actions open from previous plenary sessions (at CGMS-46) Actionee AGN item Action # Description Action feedback/closing document Deadline Status HLPP ref GSICS F A46.xx On passive microwave observations: GSICS is requested to organise an expert meeting on the intercalibration of operational PMW sensors to meet the WIGOS 2040 targets for a coordinated effort to share information on current and future PMW instruments and report to CGMS-47 (19-24 May 2019) (CGMS-46-EUM-WP-14) CGMS-47 OPEN Can we close this with a specialist discussion on MWI inter-cal at 2019 GRWG? Who to report to CGMS? A.GMW : Tim and Qifeng to develop circulate strawman for MW imager NRT products and will present this at CEOS WGCV meeting at EUMETSAT in late August. Done A.GMW : Ralph to follow up with Mitch Goldberg (NOAA rep on CGMS and also GSICS EP chair) about expectations for the MW imager gap meeting.

3 Proposed Agenda Items for 2019 MWSG Meeting
An expert meeting on the intercalibration of operational PMW sensors to meet the WIGOS 2040 targets for a coordinated effort to share information on current and future PMW instruments and (e.g. NRTC for MWI) How to report to CGMS-47 Full day? WebEx access Attendees? Invitees?

4 Update on EUMETSAT Contribution to MWSG
Tim Hewison to act as Point of Contact for MWSG to attend meetings, present briefs on EUM microwave activities and feedback developments Others EUMETSAT members of MWSG: Jörg Ackermann, Sabatino DiMichele, Vinia Mattioli, Christophe Accadia – EPS-SG Viju John, Timo Hanschmann – Climate Apps – represented by Rob Roebeling Karsten Fennig – CM-SAF Sreerekha Thonipparambil - moved projects All are on gsics-dev mailing list, so will receive web meeting invitations. EUM still in development of Cal/Val plans and tools (may include inter-cal) Internal delivery in June/July 2019 After that we can make statement , after Seeking programme approval to discussion cal/val plans with GSICS E.g. Plans for calibration monitoring Vinia may also share ICI cal/val plan ideas in parallel with SAG review for ideas Meanwhile EUM role more as observers with contributions on best effort basis

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