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Internet Safety Sixth Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Safety Sixth Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Safety Sixth Grade

2 Learning Objective Today, we will identify and learn to avoid situations that could threaten our safety when using the internet.

3 Activating Prior Knowledge
Imagine this scenario: You are walking to the store and a complete stranger approaches you. He asks for your full name, your address, your social security number, and your phone number. What do you do? (Pair/Share) _________________________________

4 Concept Development Visiting the internet is almost like walking down the street to the store these days. When you visit the internet, any information that you provide may affect your family and your own privacy and safety. Privacy is the freedom to live your life free from being observed and disturbed by unwanted attention.

5 Examples of Private Information
Full Name Social Security Number Address Phone Numbers Addresses Account Usernames and Passwords Credit Card Number

6 Why is this important to me?
Understand what is ok to share and what is not ok to share online. Avoid identity theft. The act of stealing your identity and pretending to be you without your permission. Keep you and your family safe! Other reason(s) you can think of: ___________________________

7 Skill Development Identify the following websites.


9 Skill Development What are they asking for?
(Pair/Share) _______________________ Why are they asking for this information? (Pair/Share)_______________________


11 Guided Practice

12 Closure What is privacy?
Explain the difference between private information and personal information. Why is it important to protect your private and personal information? Share what you learned today about internet safety.

13 Independent Practice

14 Lesson adapted by Lisa Brokaw and Bruce Phengsiri from CyberSmart
Lesson adapted by Lisa Brokaw and Bruce Phengsiri from CyberSmart! Private and Personal Information by Common Sense Media

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