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Light communications for

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1 Light communications for 802.11
November 2016 doc.: IEEE /1526r0 November 2016 Light communications for Date: Authors: Nikola Serafimovski, pureLiFi Ltd. Nikola Serafimovski, pureLiFi Ltd.

2 November 2016 doc.: IEEE /1526r0 November 2016 Abstract This document contains a summary of the WNG results on proposed TIG formation for Light Communications and a WG motion in support of TIG formation Nikola Serafimovski, pureLiFi Ltd. Nikola Serafimovski, pureLiFi Ltd.

3 Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 The WNG straw poll indicates an interest in for creating a Topic Interest Group to consider the standardization of light communciations The WNG group discussed “LiFi – light communications for ” (doc /1499r0) during the AM1 session on Tuesday, 8 Nov. The straw poll results: “Would you support the formation of a Topic Interest Group (TIG) for LiFi to clarify further technical aspects of the proposal? Yes: No: Abstain: 24” Nikola Serafimovski, pureLiFi John Doe, Some Company

4 Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 It is proposed that a TIG be formed to consider light communications, standardization in WG MOTION: Form a Topic Interest Group (TIG) for light communications in , to clarify technical aspects of the proposal Mover: a Seconder: b Yes: No: Abstain: Nikola Serafimovski, pureLiFi John Doe, Some Company

5 Month Year doc.: IEEE yy/xxxxr0 TIG operation A “topic interest group” (TIG) is a standing committee of the working group that is formed to progress a specific topic. A TIG might be used prior to a formal study group to raise awareness and understanding of a potential study group. A TIG follows all the rules for a WG11 standing committee. A TIG is formed by WG motion and dissolved as determined by the WG chair. A TIG group is formed after discussion during a WG plenary during which the goals of the TIG are identified, and a motion to form the TIG achieves a simple majority. Typically a TIG will exist for no more than 6 months. Nikola Serafimovski, pureLiFi John Doe, Some Company

6 November 2016 doc.: IEEE /1526r0 November 2016 References 0wng-lifi-light-communication-for pptx 0wng-lifi-presentation-and-demo.pptxfor pptx Nikola Serafimovski, pureLiFi Ltd. Nikola Serafimovski, pureLiFi Ltd.

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