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Panel discussion for NADRE

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1 Panel discussion for NADRE
Data and Literature Search Experiences & Issues in Developing Repositories Panel discussion for NADRE Friendship Hotel Addis Ababa (Feb , 2018) Temesgen Melaku (PhD)

2 Personal BG Education Work experiences
PhD in Education Management (2017) UNISA MSc in Technology application in education and training (2006) UTewnte, Netherlands MA in EDPM (1998) AAU BA in Pedagogical Sciences minoring Mathematics (1992) Work experiences University lecturer and researcher, since 2001 (+ head ADRC, project management) REB 2000 ( 1 year) Secondary schools (5 years)

3 Experiences in literature and data search
For what purpose do I search for literature and data? Research Teaching courses Developing and managing projects Supervising students’ course and theses works Problem identification and avoiding duplication of research works Checking plagiarism

4 Exp. What kind of literature and data do I search?
Articles from different academic repositories, Reports on education from UNESCO, World Bank, MoE databases Policy and program documents from MoE, Google databases Statistical abstracts from MoE database Books (for courses and research) from different databases- free, commercial and institutional repositories Theses and dissertations from institutional repositories (AAU, BDU, UNISA, Google)

5 Exp. Data on (usually hard to access in a raw data form and they are not available online) Students’ performance in national exams, Learning assessment results Indicators of access, efficiency, quality in the general education School mapping (equitable distribution of schools) Teaching staff and leaders’ profile at each level of education Students’ background variables at universities (SMIS) Schools categorized by quality standards

6 Exp. What do I use to search for literature and data?
I use different search engines and databases. Search engines or browsers: Google chrome, Mozilla, Baidu, Opera,


8 Exp. Full-text journal search/discovery engines. They direct to the links of appropriate academic repositories, e.g., journal databases EBSCOhost: e8ec0c2d9364%40sessionmgr104&vid=1&sdb=edspub&tid=3000EP&bquery=springers&bdat a=JnR5cGU9NDQmc2l0ZT1wZmktbGl2ZQ%3d%3d Unisa publication search ( 412a-99a4-e53432bb522c%40sessionmgr4007&vid=0&sdb=edspub&tid=3000EP) Freefullpdf: gsc.sort= Pluto Network: gIw_vD_BwE




12 Exp. Databases: Social media databases (yahoo, Google, Scholar Google, youtube) Academic repositories EBSCO, Taylor and Francis group, Springer, Emerald   Elsevier ( Wiley online library ( Unisa institutional repository ( World Commercial databases (ebay, amazon) to search for books Free books databases (, library Genesis,, etc.)

13 Exp. How do I search literature from databases or repositories?
Title of the article, the book, the document key words Authors Journal name How do I share resources with my students? Creating course accounts Recently archiving the university digital library.

14 Exp. Local repositories & websites
AAU – theses, dissertations, articles, books BDU - theses, dissertations, articles, books MoE- documents like statistical abstracts, policy, programs Statistics agency- population, development indicators, Repositories of different sectors (for proclamations, laws, directives and regulations)

15 Issues in the development of Repositories
Digital library, database, repository? Should repositories be institution based, subject/discipline based or format based? Should it be located in the respective institution or be hosted at a center? Ownership: Copyright and associated benefits Security

16 Issues What kind of digital contents should be included in the repository? Validated/peer reviewed/referred or unvalidated/unreffered or both? Theses, dissertations? Proceedings? Books and book chapters? Images? Audios? Videos? Raw data? Learning objects? Digital contents usually are text, data, and rich media (such as video)

17 Issues Should contents be available
fully ? Partially? Permanently? Freely ? viewed and reused with minimal restrictions? Should the accessibility of the academic works be gold (author pays for publication), green (self-archiving by the researcher) or both? Should it be international or delimited to national academic outputs? Compatibility of the system Finance for subscription

18 Issues Can the national repository be linked with
governmental repositories managed by national governments and government- sponsored agencies, and aggregating repositories that present content harvested from other sources? Are academics, as content creators of the repositories, willing to contribute to or deposit in the repositories? Reputability issue Who is in charge of managing the national repository? What will be the role of individual institutions in the process? Technical: programing, security, infrastructure, Data management: updating, upgrading, Quality of academic outputs, quality of services, Finance

19 Issues Can academic outputs be accessed or published from personal or departmental websites in addition to the national repository? How could the following factors affecting both the initial development of repositories and their take-up be addressed? Factors include: IT infrastructure, Professionals cultural factors, policy initiatives, awareness-raising activity, and usage mandates (mandates of the national R. and individual institutions).

20 References: Nicholas, D., Rowlands, I., Watkinson, A., Brown, D., & Jamali, H.R. (2012). Digital repositories ten years on: what do scientific researchers think of them and how do they use them? Learned publishing, 2(3), 195–206 Pinfield, S., Salter, J., Bath, P.A., et al. (2014). Open-Access Repositories Worldwide, 2005–2012: Past Growth, Current Characteristics, and Future Possibilities, Journal of the association for information science and technology, 65(12):2404–2421,

21 Thank you !

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