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How did Europe Change During the Late Middle Ages?

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1 How did Europe Change During the Late Middle Ages?
Global History and Geography 10th Grade Boys and Girls 16 May 2019

2 Growth of Town and Middle Class
Growing population and increasing trade gave rise to cities and towns. The merchants, traders and artisans of the cities became a rising power class- Middle Class (bourgeoisie) They were called Middle Class because they ranked between the Old Feudal Class and the Peasants.

3 Guilds and Their Importance
A Guild was a type of Business Association Formed by Merchants and Crafts People. Guilds Protected the interest of their members by doing the following: Ensured the quality of goods Provided social services to members Regulated hours of work and prices of goods. Ensured the supply of new artisans by training young people[apprentices].

4 Commercial Revolution
With the decline of feudalism new economic system developed in Europe, which is called Capitalism - an economic system in which capital [money] is invested by businessmen to make profit. The profit depended on the supply and demand Early capitalists devised new methods to make wealth which gave rise to Commercial revolution

5 New Business Practices
Partnership & Joint Stock Companies Banking Insurance Social Changes Use of money undermined serfdom and led to the decline of Feudalism Peasants started paying their feudal lords with money rather than labor.

6 Homework Questions 1, 2, 5, and 7 on page 301

7 Effects of Reformation
Reformation caused the loss of religious Unity in Western Europe It also caused the political division Some rulers chose Catholicism and other chose Protestantism Religious Conflict Religious civil wars took place in Germany and France Spanish Catholics fought English Protestants 30 years war was fought by many European states in the 1600s

8 Rise of Nation-States After the Renaissance and Reformation Some kings gained power and they started nation-states Royal Power in France Hugh Capet and His descendents strengthened French Monarchy by making it hereditary Started a system of Tax (taille) collection Had Hundred years war with England over territorial control. Joan of Arc created French national feelings Develpoed policies to weaken the power of the nobles and strengthened the power of the monarch

9 Rise of England 1066 William of Normandy took over England after Defeating King Harold in the Batle of Hastings. He also developed the Jury System Magna Carta In 1215 the Nobles rebelled against King John and Forced him to sign the Magna Carta [a charter that limited the power of the King] His successors Strengthened English Finance and laws A representative body called Parliament evolved Henry II: “Common Law” was established Church of England He broaden the justice system by having travelling Judges Henry the VIII broke away from Catholic Church

10 Kings Increased Their Power
Kings of England Decided who could build castles and where Forced vassals to obey them Established common law so that all people could be treated the same Collected records of who owned property Kings of France Made throne hereditary Became allies with the Church Organized army Took French lands from English king Added to their lands Set up organized government Collected taxes Created a royal treasury Set up royal courts and royal laws

11 Homework Prepare a chart to list the actions taken by the following English monarchs Englisn Monarchs Their Actions and Achievements William the Conqueror [of Normandy] Henry II King John Henry VIII Elizabeth I

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