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“Honesty and Dishonesty”

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1 “Honesty and Dishonesty”
Vocabulary Lesson 19

2 English 11 Homework: 3-Column Chart

3 PARTICIPIAL PHRASES: phrases starting with –ing or –ed verbs that are used at the beginning or end of a sentence to describe a subject. (The –ing words are present participles and the –ed words are past participles.)

4 Examples (COPY THESE) Underline each participial phrase
Crouched under a bush, the cat got ready to spring. Licking his paws carelessly, the dog had no idea what was about to happen. The cat jumped out of the bush, clawing the dog. The dog jumped in the air, shocked and scared. Underline each participial phrase Put an arrow pointing to the noun that is being described Identify whether each participle is present or past

5 Apocryphal DEF: A. doubtful; of questionable origin, authorship, or authenticity B. false, fictitious, or erroneous POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Describe a student who has something apocryphal. EXAMPLE: Smiling suspiciously, the student handed his teacher the apocryphal essay.

6 Bona fide DEF: A. Authentic; genuine; not counterfeit or copied B. Done in good faith without any attempt to deceive; sincere POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Describe a man who has something bona fide at a pawn shop. EXAMPLE: ___participial phrase___, the man presented a bona fide ____________ at the pawn shop.

7 Candor DEF: Honesty, frankness, or sincerity of expression; openness
POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Use a participial phrase to describe a student who shows candor. EXAMPLE: ___participial phrase___, the student demonstrated candor.

8 Cant DEF: a. Hypocritically moralistic language b. Monotonous speech filled with platitudes C. The special vocabulary of a sect, group, or profession; jargon POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Describe a person who is using obvious cant. EXAMPLE: ___participial phrase___, the __________ was using obvious cant.

9 Charlatan DEF: A person who falsely claims to have special knowledge or ability; a quack or fraud POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Use a participial phrase to describe someone who is a charlatan. EXAMPLE: ___participial phrase___, the ___________ was clearly a charlatan.

10 Chicanery DEF: A deception by trickery; a trick
POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Describe someone who is attempting chicanery EXAMPLE: ___participial phrase___, the ___________ attempted chicanery by ___________________.

11 Feign DEF: To pretend or represent falsely
POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Describe a person who would feign something EXAMPLE: ___participial phrase___, the _________ feigned __________.

12 Insidious DEF: A. Working or spreading harmfully in a subtle or stealthy way B. Beguiling or alluring but secretly harmful; treacherous POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Describe how an insidious animal would lure in its prey. EXAMPLE: ___participial phrase___, the insidious ___________ lured in its prey.

13 Rectitude DEF: Moral uprightness; righteousness
POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Describe someone who is the epitome of rectitude EXAMPLE: ___participial phrase___, _________________ was the epitome of rectitude.

14 Veritable DEF: Real or genuine; actual
POSSIBLE SENTENCE TOPIC: Describe something that is a veritable nightmare EXAMPLE: ___participial phrase___, the ___________ was a veritable nightmare.

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