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Some stats: 522 appeals registered (since April 2018) 328 appeals live

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1 The SENDIST National Trial an update (NatSIP working day 5th February 2019)
Some stats: 522 appeals registered (since April 2018) 328 appeals live 30 appeals still to be registered (appeals coming in at 5 a day) 41 decisions have been issued 51 consent orders agreed 42 appeals now Education only 8 conceded 2 refused registration 15 withdrawn 5 struck out

2 Requests for recommendations:
289 for Health and Social Care 105 for Health 110 for Social Care Process: Week 0: registered/ case managed/ bespoke directions Week 6: LA response Week 8: final evidence deadline/ attendance forms Week 9: bundle deadline Week 10: 2nd stage case management/ length of hearing identified/ panel assigned Week 12: the hearing

3 Issues Social Care: Health:
Failure to carry out a social care assessment Failure to specify social care needs/ provision Request for social care budget/ direct payment Request for social care residential placement Health: Failure to specify health needs/ provision Health care provision should be special education provision CAMHS/ CBT specification Continuing Care Funding to meet health needs

4 Recommendations in decisions
Social Care: That LA assess social care needs Specification of social care needs/provision Support to attend clubs Direct payments for support in social care activities Health: Specifications of CAMHS Specification of CBT Nursing care

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