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Summary of the DoL Quarter 4 Report for the Financial Year 2014/15

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1 Summary of the DoL Quarter 4 Report for the Financial Year 2014/15
Presentation for Portfolio Committee on Labour 27 MAY 2015


3 LEGEND Performance Indicator is on track or reflects complete implementation. Target achieved 100% and + Complete Performance Indicator behind schedule. Target not achieved 0 – 99% Complete

4 SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOMES AND DEPARTMENTAL STRATEGIC GOALS (APP tabled and approved in November 2014) These are for both Quarters 3 and 4 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 1: (OUTCOME 4) Decent employment through inclusive economic growth Strategic Goals 1. Promote Occupational health services 2. Contribute to decent employment creation 3. Protect vulnerable workers 5. Strengthen occupational safety protection 6. Promote sound labour relations 7. Monitor the impact of legislation 9. Development of the Occupational Health and Safety policies Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 2: (OUTCOME 5) A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path Strategic Goal 2. Contribute to decent employment creation

5 SERVICE DELIVERY OUTCOMES AND DEPARTMENTAL STRATEGIC GOALS (APP tabled and approved in November 2014) These are for both Quarters 3 and 4 Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 3: (OUTCOME 11) Create a better South Africa, a better Africa and a better World Strategic Goal 4. Strengthen multilateral and bilateral relations Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 4: (OUTCOME 12) An efficient, effective and development oriented public service Strategic Goal 8. Strengthen the institutional capacity of the Department Strategic Outcome Oriented Goal 5: (OUTCOME 14) Transforming society and uniting the country Strategic Goal 10. Promote Equity in the labour market

6 OVERALL ACHIEVEMENTS PER STRATEGIC GOALS, PER BRANCH ANS PER PROVINCE DURING 2014/15 QUARTER 4 January 2015 – March NB: The subject matter of analysis are indicators

ACTUAL OUTPUT - VALIDATED Overall Performance Planned Indictors Achieved Not Achieved Promote Occupational health services This strategic goal is covered in terms of indicators that are applicable in strengthen occupational safety protection . Contribute to decent employment creation 9 planned for Q4 4 5 44.4% Protect vulnerable workers 6 planned for Q4 2 66.7% Strengthen multilateral and bilateral relations 1 planned for Q4 1 100% Strengthen occupational safety protection 6 planned for Q4 6 Promote sound labour relations 2 planned for Q4 50% Monitor the impact of legislation Strengthen the institutional capacity of the Department 18 planned for Q4 8 10 Development of the Occupational Health and Safety policies Promote Equity in the labour market 5 planned for Q4 3 60% OVERALL PERFORMANCE 48 planned for Q4 28 20 Only 3 Strategic Goals were achieved PERFORMANCE % 58% 42%

Planned Indicators Achieved Not Achieved Overall Performance Administration 18 planned for Q4 8 10 44.4% Inspections and Enforcement Services 14 planned for Q4 12 2 85.7% Public Employment Services 9 planned for Q4 4 5 Labour Policy and Industrial Relations 7 planned for Q4 3 57.1% OVERALL PERFORMANCE 48 28 20 There was a significant improvement of performance by IES during Q4 compared to the previous quarters. PERFORMANCE % 58% 42%


10 Promote Equity in the labour market
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE REASON FOR MAJOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE ACTION AND DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION Number of designated employers reviewed per year to determine compliance with employment equity legislation 106 109 employers were reviewed during Quarter 4. Of the 109 employers reviewed, 82 were non-compliant. 110% (90 of the 82 non-compliant employers) were issued with recommendations within 90 days. Non- availability of employers Rescheduling of appointments for inspections. Closer Monitoring of labour centres to ensure adherence to action plans. Prov. Target Number reviewed Variance EC 20 28 8 FS 6 7 1 GP 21 15 -6 KZN 10 11 LP 5 -3 MP 16 NC 4 -1 NW 2 WC 18 13 -5 NATIONAL 106 109 +3

11 Promote Equity in the labour market
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE REASON FOR MAJOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE ACTION AND DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION Number of designated employers inspected per year to determine compliance with employment equity legislation 919 1 210 employers were inspected against a target of 919 with a variance of +291. Of the 1210 workplaces inspected, 437 were non-compliant. 91% (431 of the 473 non-compliant workplaces) was dealt with in terms of the Employment Equity Act. Follow-up visits were conducted - Prov. Target Number inspected Variance EC 159 294 135 FS 30 65 35 GP 80 15 -65 KZN 162 439 277 LP 96 20 -76 MP 108 -73 NC 12 4 -8 NW 137 86 -51 WC 252 117 NATIONAL 919 1210 +291

12 Promote Equity in the labour market
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE REASON FOR MAJOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE ACTION AND DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION Employment Equity Amendment Act implemented and evaluated within set time frame Exemption on the BCEA processed within 60 days Finalise and publish Code on Equal Pay in the Government Gazette. Code of Good Practice on Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value finalised, but publication in Government Gazette pending. 23 of the 23 received applications were processed within 60 days of receipt Publication of Code on Equal Pay in Government Gazette pending due to the fact that the Code was only finalized and approved by CEE on 31 March 2015. Publication will be done in Q1 of 2015/2016 financial year. 6 May 2019

13 Protect vulnerable workers
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE REASON FOR MAJOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE ACTION AND DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION Number of workplaces inspected per year to determine compliance with labour legislation 30137 A total of workplaces were inspected during Quarter 4. Non- availability of employers Rescheduling of appointments for inspections. Closer Monitoring of labour centres to ensure adherence to action plans Prov. Target Number inspected Variance EC 3262 4356 1094 FS 2076 3225 1149 GP 7648 13095 5447 KZN 5952 7574 1622 LP 2407 3925 1518 MP 2285 3362 1386 NC 1296 1377 81 NW 2153 2836 683 WC 3058 2932 -126 NATIONAL 30137 42682 12855

14 Protect vulnerable workers
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE REASON FOR MAJOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE ACTION AND DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION Percentage of non-complying workplaces inspected per year with reference to above dealt with in terms of the relevant labour legislation 100% Of the workplaces inspected during Quarter 4, were non-compliant. 108% (5 780 of the non-compliant workplaces) was dealt with in terms of the relevant labour legislation. - Prov. No. not complying No. of workplaces dealt with % of workplaces dealt with Number of Notices issued Number of cases referred to court EC 938 100% FS 40 430 1075% GP KZN 1616 LP 1220 1238 101% 1 MP 273 NC 112 NW 371 WC 802 30 TOTAL 5372 5780 108% 31

15 Protect vulnerable workers
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE REASON FOR MAJOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE ACTION AND DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION Percentage of inspections on request for work permits conducted within 5 days 90% Of the 351 requests received during Quarter 4. 69% (242) inspections were conducted within 5 days. Non availability employers Revise planning model for inspections for work permits. Consider centralizing the request for inspections at provincial office level Prov. Number of requests Number inspected within 5 days % inspected within 5 days Variance (%) EC 31 100% +10% FS 3 0% GP 172 75 44% -46% KZN 38 36 95% +5% LP 24 23 96% +6% MP 25 NC NW WC 58 49 84% -6% TOTAL 351 242 69% -21%

16 Protect vulnerable workers
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE REASON FOR MAJOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE ACTION AND DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION Exemption on the BCEA processed within 60 days 23 of the 23 received applications were processed within 60 days of receipt - Review two Sectoral Determinations by March 2015 Conduct investigation for Domestic and Farm workers Provident Fund by 2015 Conduct investigation for Domestic and Farm workers Provident Fund by 2015 Not Achieved Unavailability of the relevant database for both sectors October 2016 6 May 2019

17 Strengthening Occupational Safety Protection
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE REASON FOR MAJOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE ACTION AND DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION Percentage of reported incidents investigated within 90 days 60% Of the 477 reported incidents during Quarter 4, 82% (392) were investigated within 90 days. Lack of OHS specific Human Capital Capacity building in OHS specialization model Financial Year 2015/16 Filling of vacancies Prov. Number of reported incidents Number investigated within 90 days % investigated within 90 days Variance (%) EC 46 47 102% +62% FS 18 10 56% -4% GP 113 42 37% -23% KZN 117 112 96% +36% LP 24 19 79% +19% MP 11 5 45% -15% NC 4 40% -20% NW 26 176% +116% WC 127 100% +40% TOTAL 477 392 82% +22%

18 Contribute to decent employment creation
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE REASON FOR MAJOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE ACTION AND DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION Employment Services Regulations developed Publish draft ES Regulations for public comments in Government Gazette The ES Regulations will only be published in the Government Gazette for public comments once the Act is promulgated. There was an unforeseen delay in the promulgation of the ES Act. Presidential proclamation notices were returned from the Presidency for amendments and additional supporting information. Amendments were effected on the proclamation notices, and a memorandum drafted to provide additional supporting information. A submission has been finalised with new proposed promulgation date of the 1st May 2015

19 Contribute to decent employment creation
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Number of work-seekers registered on ESSA per year A total of work-seekers were registered on ESSA system, with a variance of Prov. Target Number registered Variance EC 20625 20376 -249 FS 15000 12099 -2901 GP 43125 29987 -13138 KZN 37500 43728 6228 LP 15333 333 MP 22513 7513 NC 5625 7645 2020 NW 11250 8702 -2548 WC 24375 20692 -3683 Other  N/A 11159 N/A  NATIONAL 187500 192234 6425

20 Contribute to decent employment creation 2014/15 QUARTER 4 PERFORMANCE CHALLENGES
INDICATOR REASON FOR MAJOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION Number of work-seekers placed in registered work opportunities per year The response of confirmation of placement is delayed by employers. Challenges are experienced in matching suitable candidates that meets the requirements of the employers. Regular meetings with employers are in the preparatory stage . These meetings will put more emphasis on the importance of getting feedback of whether or not the referred candidates were placed. Advocacy sessions to target unemployed groups with the most required skills are planned for 2015. The process to get companies declarations from UIF is underway. 31/07/2015

21 Contribute to decent employment creation
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE REASON FOR MAJOR DEVIATION Number of work-seekers provided with employment counselling per year 55 000 registered work-seekers were provided with employment counselling; with a variance of Provinces participated in a NYDA Start Here Campaign which was vigorously marketed with the result that their performance was boosted. Career Counsellors focused on using a group approach where more clients are seen at the same time. In some instances posts were filled. Number of work-seekers provided with employment counselling per year Prov. Target to be counseled Actual counseled Variances Q4 EC 7449 8963 1514 FS 4584 6690 2106 GP 10887 11686 799 KZN 6303 9647 3344 LP 5730 8490 2760 MP 9047 2744 NC 4003 5103 1100 NW 5157 6819 1662 WC 3957 -627 TOTAL 55000 70402 15402 Verification Source Productivity report from HQ Verification certificate submitted by all Provinces

22 Contribute to decent employment creation
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE REASON FOR MAJOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE ACTION AND DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION Number of work-seekers placed in registered work opportunities per year 5000 A total of work-seekers were placed in registered employment opportunities; with a variance of The response of confirmation of placement is delayed by employers. Challenges are experienced in matching suitable candidates that meets the requirements of the employers. Advocacy sessions to target unemployed groups with the most required skills. 31/07/2015 Number of work-seekers placed in registered work opportunities per year Prov. Target to be placed Actual placed Variances Q4 EC 590 405 -185 FS 432 535 103 GP 880 835 -45 KZN 576 -14 LP 560 320 -240 MP 534 926 392 NC 330 44 -286 NW 340 52 -288 WC 744 173 -571 TOTAL 5000 3866 -1134 Verification Source  Productivity report from HQ  Verification certificate submitted by all Provinces

23 Contribute to decent employment creation
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Number of vacancies and opportunities registered on ESSA per year 12 500 A total of opportunities were registered on ESSA; with a variance of Number of vacancies and opportunities registered on ESSA per year Prov. Target Actual Variances Q4 EC 1475 1695 220 FS 1080 2501 1421 GP 2200 2394 194 KZN 1983 508 LP 1400 4859 3459 MP 1335 1443 108 NC 825 738 -87 NW 850 484 -366 WC 1860 4037 2177 TOTAL 12500 20134 7634 Verification Source  Productivity report from HQ  Verification certificate submitted by all Provinces KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Applications for foreign nationals corporate and individual work visa processed within 30 working days All complete applications for foreign nationals corporate and individual work visa processed within 30 working days A total of 381 applications were received. A total (156) applications (41% were processed within 30 working days (10 for Corporate and 146 for Individual). 224 (59%) application were finalized in 60 working days (6 for Corporate and 218 for Individual). 1 (0%) corporate application was finalized in 90 working days.

24 Strengthening multilateral and bilateral relations
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE REASON FOR MAJOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE ACTION AND DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION Number of reports on ILO Article 19 and 22 submitted by March 1 report in terms of Article 19 of the ILO Constitution submitted to the ILO by February 2015 Achieved - 6 May 2019

25 Promote sound labour relations
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE REASON FOR MAJOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE ACTION AND DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION Number of Collective agreements extended within 60 days of receipt 5 1 Collective Agreement extended to non-parties within 60-days of receipt = 100% 12 instead of 4 Agreements done during Quarter 3 - Percentage of competent and completed labour organisation applications processed within 90 days of receipt 100% 34 applications for registration processed within 90-daysof receipt:- - 1 application approved within 90 days - 33 applications refused within 90 days 6 May 2019

26 Monitoring the impact of legislation
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE REASON FOR MAJOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE ACTION AND DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION 4 Annual Labour Market Trend reports published by March 2015 Develop for approval by the DOL Executive Authority 2 Annual Labour Market reports (Industrial Action and Annual Administrative Statistics) Two (2) Annual reports were finalized and submitted by 30 March These include: Industrial Action report 2014 and Annual Administrative Statistics for DoL report 2014 In addition, the Client Satisfaction Survey report 2014 was also completed and submitted by 31 March 2015. - 6 May 2019

27 Monitoring the impact of legislation
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE REASON FOR MAJOR DEVIATION CORRECTIVE ACTION AND DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION 4 Research reports in line with RME Agenda 3 signed off by DDG: LP&IR by 31 March 2015 Final report submitted for 1 research project Final research report for the following study submitted to the department: Work seekers attitude towards job offers in the South African labour market. - 6 May 2019

28 Monitoring the impact of legislation
Main Achievements Challenges Proposed Interventions 3 Final research report for the following study submitted to the department: Analysing effectiveness of bargaining council exemptions; Evaluating progress made towards reducing working hours to 40 hours; and Work seekers attitude towards job offers in the South African labour market Lack of systems to produce real-time quality data DoL stakeholders to be encouraged to fully participate Improved systems and data collection processes 6 May 2019

29 Strengthen the institutional capacity of the Department
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR QUARTER 4 TARGET ACTUAL PERFORMANCE Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP) approved by the Minister by 31 March Final SDIP approved by the Minister by 31 March 2015 Not yet approved by the Minister. Percentage of fraud cases received or detected finalized per year 92% 59% (10 of 17 cases) finalised Percentage of vacancy rate reduced by 31 March Less than 10% 10.67 % (933 of 8 748) posts are vacant Percentage reduction of transgression in irregular Expenditure compared to previous year During Q4 2014/15, 13 Cases of Irregular Expenditure were reported with the mount of R There is an increase when compared to Q4 of 2013/2014 Percentage of (a) women in SMS, (b) youth and (c) people with disability (PwD) employed in line with the EE Plan by 31 March each year 50% Women 36% Youth 3% PwD 33.3% 28.5% 2.4%

30 Strengthen the institutional capacity of the Department 2014/15 QUARTER 4 PERFORMANCE CHALLENGES
INDICATOR REASON FOR MAJOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP) approved by the Minister by 31 March SDIP still to be finalised Submission of the revised SDIP still to be approved June 2015 Percentage of fraud cases received or detected finalized per year Human resources including the expertise and effort offered by the employees On-going training of Provincial Investigators Service of a forensic Investigating firm have been procured and have assumed duties toward end of Q4. They will also provide transfer of skills as they will be working with internal staff. April – 30 June 2015 Percentage of vacancy rate reduced by 31 March Financial Resources Critical Posts are to be filled in the new financial year thus reducing the vacancy rate in 2015 2015/16

31 Strengthen the institutional capacity of the Department 2014/15 QUARTER 4 PERFORMANCE CHALLENGES
INDICATOR REASON FOR MAJOR VARIANCE CORRECTIVE ACTION DATE OF IMPLEMENTATION Percentage reduction of transgression in irregular Expenditure compared to previous year Lack of contract monitoring tools / System The process of procuring the contract management system is underway 1 April 2015 Percentage of (a) women in SMS, (b) youth and (c) people with disability (PwD) employed in line with the EE Plan by 31 March each year Human resources including the expertise and effort offered by the employees. Organisational capabilities/competences including those relating to functional areas and support Panel members are sensitised on EE targets during shortlisting and interviews Develop an action plan to ensure that EE Plan is implemented. Better management of People Management (which includes EE) CMC in Performance Agreements. It in progress and all offices are responsible to adhere to EE target during Recruitment & Selection process.




As at 31 March 2015, the Appropriation statement reflects: ‘000 Final Appropriation : R Final Expenditure : R ( 95.04%) Under expenditure : R (4.96%)

Software payments: R31,8 m Operating Leases: R35,6 m Property Payments: R24,3 m Reasons for Underspend Software payments: Supplier furnished DoL with invoices received on the last day of closure and could not be processed. Operating leases and Property payments: Engagements were held with DPW where it was said the Department owes money to DPW, proof of this was requested by the Department while necessary provisions were made (R60 m)while awaiting DPW. The end of the financial year DPW conceded that DoL does not owe DPW leaving the provision unspent.

Social Security funds : R11,8 m Reasons for Underspend Additional funds requested during the AENE (R15 m) for claims from Compensation fund for injury on duty pay-outs not fully utilised due to less than anticipated claims.

38 CONCLUSION Preliminary indications are that, the Department’s actual annual performance is 50% . The implication is that 50% of the planned work, as in the APP, is not achieved. The major challenge faced by the Department in the financial year 2014/15 has been shrinking financial resources which had a huge impact on the human resources of the Department as vacant positions were not filled. This has had dire consequences for service delivery as inspector posts, Employment Services Practitioner posts and Client Services Officers were hardest hit by limited funding. The high targets set by the DoL at the onset of the financial year could not be met as human resources got depleted and were not replaced during the past financial year. The filling in of critical posts in 2015/16 will alleviate the performance challenges. Targets have been revised in line with the capacity of the DoL to implement. The newly adopted legends have drastically increased the standards of performance in the DoL. Performance below 100% is regarded as incomplete and this has had a huge impact on the overall performance of DoL.

39 Thank You…

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