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Animal Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Vocabulary

2 ESTIVATION Period of inactivity, drop in metabolism during hot, dry period

3 ENDOTHERM Animal who maintains a steady body temperature.

4 EXOSKELETON Hard outer covering made of chitin

5 POSTERIOR Term meaning toward the tail end of the organism

6 INVERTEBRATE Animal that does not have a backbone

7 PREY Organism that is hunted for food

8 CARNIVORE Animal that eats other animals

9 DETRITOVORE Animal that feeds on detritus

10 OMNIVORE Animal that eats plants and animals

11 PARASITE Organism that relies on another for food or shelter and harms the host.

12 ASYMMETRY No definite body plan

Fertilization that occurs outside of the female’s body.

14 RADIAL SYMMETRY Body parts arranged around a central point like a wagon wheel

15 PREDATOR Organism that hunts another organism for food

16 SKELETAL SYSTEM Internal structure for support made of bone or cartilage

Circulatory system where blood is enclosed in vessels

18 VENTRAL Belly side of the organism

19 VERTEBRATE Animal that has a backbone

Fertilization that occurs inside the female’s body.

21 MIMICRY Adaptation when one organism closely resembles another more harmful organism.

22 BILATERAL SYMMETRY Body parts arranged the same on both sides of the body

23 SESSILE Creature that stays attached in one place most of its life

24 FREE-LIVING Organism that doesn’t depend on another for food or shelter

25 ECTOTHERM Animal whose body temperature changes to its surroundings

26 HIBERNATION Period of inactivity, drop in metabolism during cold periods

27 ANTERIOR Term meaning toward the head end of the organism

28 HERMAPHRODITE Organism having both male and female reproductive organs.

Circulatory system where blood is not enclosed in vessels, but bathes the organs

30 DORSAL Back of the organism

31 SCAVENGER Carnivore that eats the remains of animals

32 HERBIVORE Animal that eats only plants or parts of plants

33 ADAPTATION ANY change or specialized structure that helps an organism better survive in surroundings.

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