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2 What do you think it means?
Have you ever heard the phrase: “Patience is a virtue” ??? What do you think it means?

3 What is the difference…
between… A VALUE and A VIRTUE?

4 There CAN be overlap between VALUES & VIRTUES
A VALUE is a quality, characteristic, activity, person, or idea about which you feel strongly. A VIRTUE is a particularly good, or beneficial quality/ moral excellence There CAN be overlap between VALUES & VIRTUES BUT… to sum up?...

5 A VIRTUE IS: Goodness

6 Are you a good person? Try this quiz to find out!

7 In your groups: Make a list of as many qualities as you can possibly think of that would make someone a good/virtuous person. THINK ABOUT: What qualities would you look for in a friend? What qualities would you look for in someone you are seeing? Can you think of someone you admire? What qualities do they possess that make them admirable?

8 Examples of Virtues Assertiveness Creativity Caring Determination
Consideration Enthusiasm Compassion Forgiveness Confidence Friendliness Courage Honesty

9 Helpfulness Modesty Humility Patience Integrity Perseverance Joyfulness Reliability Kindness Respect Love Self-Discipline Loyalty Trust Thankfulness Understanding Tact Tolerance

10 What virtues do you think are your strengths?
Take this quiz to find out! t-is-your-virtue/index.html

11 Are there any virtues you think you need to work on?

12 Make a list: Use the lists around the room, your own ideas, or lists on previous slides for reference. Make a list of 5 virtues you think you could improve on. Beside each, list three examples of situations in which this virtue would be helpful. We will use this list next class.

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