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Chapter 6 More Right Triangles

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1 Chapter 6 More Right Triangles
Students will continue to study the similarity and side ratio relationships of right triangles. Students will understand more properties of special right triangles.

2 Section 6.1 Students will apply the Pythagorean theorem and properties of similar triangles to discover patterns in , triangles and Pythagorean Triples.

3 Rationalizing the Denominator
Students will continue to learn about simplifying radicals when in fractional form

4 Review What is a radical? Square roots or other higher roots How do we write radicals other than square roots? How do we simplify square roots? 1. Prime factor tree 2. Groups of the same number, based on the root 3. 1 number from each group and multiply and put outside 4. Not grouped prime numbers multiply and put inside

5 Rationalize Denominator
When the radical is in the denominator? This is not written correctly We need to get the radical out of the denominator to write it in proper form

6 Process What is the radical in the denominator
Multiple both numerator and denominator by this radical How do you multiply with radicals Simplify Simplify all radicals Can you divide, simplify fraction

7 Examples

8 Homework Worksheets Simplifying radicals Rationalizing the denom

9 6.1.4 Students will recall and apply exponential properties and explore what fractional exponents are.

10 Exponent Properties Review
Multiply Divide Negative Exponent to exponent Addition and Subtraction Zero Distribution

11 Process for Simplifying
Get rid of parenthesis by distributing the exponent Multiply common bases by adding exponents Divide common bases by subtracting exponents, always N-D Write all exponents postive

12 Examples

13 Fractional Exponents and Radicals
These are related How to convert back and forth

14 Examples Numerator is exponent Denominator is radical Does it matter the order you do it in

15 Examples

16 Homework Worksheets on Simplifying exponents – pick 6 Fractional Exponents – 4-6 rewrite with radical, 7-9 rewrite with fractional exponent 10, 11, 12, 14 ,15

17 6.1.1 Special Right Triangles: Students will review and apply special right triangle properties.

18 Review Ideas Work as a group on 6-1 and 6-2 What are the rules you remember about Triangles Triangles

19 Examples

20 Homework Book work 6-3, 6-4 Answers in simplest radical form

21 6.1.2 Pythagorean Triples: Students will apply previous knowledge to determine patterns or right triangles with integers.

22 Group Work Work as a group on 6-12, 6-13 What rules can you determine What patterns can you determine Work through 6-14

23 Pythagorean triples This is very helpful with integers but can be used with radicals Think of the basic and multiply each side by the same thing What are the main triples 3,4,5 5,12,13

24 Homework Book work 6-14 and 6-15 Honors 6-17

25 6.1.3 Students will apply previous knowledge of Triangle properties and trig ratios to determine patterns and extend their understanding and knowledge.

26 Group work 6-25 – grad a triangle sheet from back table, 1 per group What do you notice 6-26 – what do you notice

27 Pythagorean Identity

28 Examples 6-27 and 6-28

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