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Chapter 31 Assessment and Management of Patients With Vascular Disorders and Problems of Peripheral Circulation.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 31 Assessment and Management of Patients With Vascular Disorders and Problems of Peripheral Circulation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 31 Assessment and Management of Patients With Vascular Disorders and Problems of Peripheral Circulation

2 Vascular System Arteries and arterioles Capillaries Veins and venules
Lymphatic vessels Function of the vascular system

3 Systemic and Pulmonary Circulation

4 Peroneal, Dorsalis Pedis, and Posterior Tibial Pulse Sites

5 Question What is an aneurysm? Junction of two vessels.
Narrowing of constriction of a vessel. A localized sac or dilation of an artery formed at a weak point in the vessel wall. Sound produced by turbulent blood flow through an irregular, tortuous, stenotic, or dilated vessel.

6 Answer C An aneurysm is a localized sac or dilation of an artery formed at a weak point in the vessel wall. Anatomosis is a junction of two vessels. Stenosis is narrowing of constriction of a vessel. Bruit is the sound produced by turbulent blood flow through an irregular, tortuous, stenotic, or dilated vessel.

7 Other Disorders Aortoiliac disease Aneurysms
Thoracic aortic aneurysm (anywhere in thorax: root, ascending or early descending aorta) Abdominal aortic aneurysm (outside of the thorax: descending aorta) Aortic dissection

8 Characteristics of Arterial Aneurysms

9 Repair of an Ascending Aortic Aneurysm

10 AneuRx Endograft Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Refer to fig

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