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Nov 2011 Closing Plenary Motions

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1 802.11 Nov 2011 Closing Plenary Motions
May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Nov 2011 Nov 2011 Closing Plenary Motions Date: xx Authors: Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

2 May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Nov 2011 Abstract This document is a composite of all sub-group motions that are for information, or may be brought at the November 2011 closing plenary. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

3 WG telecons Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

4 Teleconferences July 2011 TGai Mondays from Nov 21st 23:59 EST 1 Hour
May 2006 Teleconferences doc.: IEEE /0528r0 July 2011 Group Dates Start Time Duration TGai Mondays from Nov 21st 23:59 EST 1 Hour TGah Mon Dec 12 Mon Jan 9 19:00 ET 12:00 ET 1.5 Hours TGmb Nov 15, 18; Dec 2 10:00 ET TGaa Tuesdays: Dec 6, 13, 20,  2011 Jan 11:30 ET 2 Hour TGac January 12, Feb 2 January 26, Feb 9 20:00 ET 2 Hours TGad Dec 22, Jan 5, Jan 26, Feb 9 Dec 29, Jan 12, Feb 2, Feb 16 TGae Wednesday Dec 14 and Jan 11 11:00 ET TGaf Tuesdays 21:00 ET JTC1 & ARC Calls to be arranged on 10-days notice as required Regulatory AHC 12:00 ET (noon) Smart Grid Wednesdays 14:00 ET CAC Monday Dec 12; Jan 9 Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

5 JTC1 SC Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

6 Motion to empower HoD Motion
Nov 2011 Motion to empower HoD Motion The Working Group recommends that Bruce Kraemer be appointed as IEEE 802 HoD to the SC6 meeting in Feb 2012 and the WAPI CRMs and be authorised to: Appoint the IEEE 802 delegation Approve any necessary submissions Call any necessary preparation teleconferences Note: equivalent motion in ad hoc passed 8/0/0 Moved: Seconded: Andrew Myles, Cisco

7 TGmb Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

8 TGmb Conditional Approval to RevCom
May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 Nov 2011 TGmb Conditional Approval to RevCom Approve document 11-11/1533r1 as the Report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) on the requirements for conditional approval to forward P802.11REVmb to RevCom, and Empower the chair to make editorial changes if required, and Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to conditionally approve forwarding P802.11REVmb to RevCom. Moved: Dorothy Stanley (on behalf of TGmb) Seconded: In TGmb (similar motion on approval of report): Moved: Jon Rosdahl, Seconded: Mike Montemurro Motion passes: Result: Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

9 TGac Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

10 November 2011 TGac Motion #1 Having approved changes to TGac Draft D1.0, as defined in Doc r11, Instruct the editor to prepare TGac Draft D2.0, and Approve a 30 day Working Group Technical Letter Ballot asking the question “Should TGac Draft D2.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” Moved by Osama Oboul-Magd on behalf of TGac TG vote: Moved: Menzo Wentink, Seconded: Joomsuk Kim, Result: Osama Aboul-Magd (Huawei Technologies)

11 November 2011 TGac Motion #2 Authorize TGac to hold an ad-hoc meeting on March 7-9, 2012 in the Bay area, for the purpose of speeding progress on D2.0 comment resolution. Moved by Osama Aboul-Magd on behalf of TGac TGac vote: Moved: Menzo Wentink, Seconded: Sean Coffey, Result: Osama Aboul-Magd (Huawei Technologies)

12 TGad Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

13 Motion to form China 60 GHz (C60G) Study Group
November 2011 Motion to form China 60 GHz (C60G) Study Group Request approval by IEEE 802 LMSC to form an Study Group to establish a forum for developing the procedural framework, clarifying the technical goals, and developing a PAR and five criteria focused on CWPAN extensions to P802.11ad Moved: Eldad Perahia Seconded: TGad strawpoll result: Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation

14 Study Group: Infrastructure Service Discovery
Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

15 Motion to create a Study Group
November 2011 doc.: IEEE /1507r3 November 2011 Motion to create a Study Group Request approval by IEEE 802 LMSC to form an Study Group to consider Infrastructure Service Discovery with the intent of creating a PAR and five criteria. Moved: Stephen McCann Second: <name> Result: y-n-a Stephen McCann, RIM Stephen McCann, RIM

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