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New Market Skills Center Draft 10 Year Major Projects Capital Plan

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1 New Market Skills Center Draft 10 Year Major Projects Capital Plan
Administrative Council December 2, 2011 12/02/2011

2 Guidelines - RCW 28A Section (3) The superintendent of public instruction shall develop and deliver a ten-year capital plan… The superintendent … shall adopt rules that set as a goal a ten percent minimum local project contribution threshold for major skills center projects, unless there is compelling rationale not to do so, including but not limited to local economic conditions, … 12/02/2011

3 12/2/2011

4 Professional Assistance
Contract with Tovani Hart Architects Develop major capital project proposal and 10 year plan for New Market Skills Center Update the New Market Skills Center Study and Survey including Building Condition Evaluation forms Develop Statement of Probable Cost in an OFM approved format for all components of the 10 year capital plan Coordinate input from Tumwater School District 12/02/2011

5 Project Overview 2013-2017 Growth Modernization
Baking and Pastry Classroom and Lab Cosmetology Classroom and Lab Alternative Energy Classroom and Lab Manufacturing Classroom and Lab Professional Medical Careers Lab Expansion Pre-Veterinary Technician Lab Expansion Criminal Justice Lab Computer Lab – Building C Modernization Energy Efficiency Upgrades – Envelope, Mechanical and Electrical systems Existing Lab Modernizations – Configuration, Technology Distribution and Equipment Interior Finishes 12/02/2011

6 and PreDesign & Design phases for Modernization of Core Facility and Growth Component (opened in Sept. 1985, will be 32 yrs. old if completed in 2017) Growth Component adds – 15,000 sf Construction for Modernization of Core Facility and Growth Component. Project to be phased to allow all programs to continue during construction 12/02/2011 6 6

7 New Market Skills Center Major Projects Draft Ten-Year Plan
Biennium New Market Skills Center $1,600,000 Est. $21,200,000 Est. Minor Works 10% Local Contribution (incl. in-kind) $160,000 $2,120,000 N/A 2013 – 2015 PreDesign and Design - Modernization of Core Facility and Growth Component 2015 – 2017 Construction - Modernization of Core Facility and Growth Component 2017 – 2019 Minor Works – As needed 2019– 2021 Minor Works – As needed 2021– Minor Works – As needed 12/02/2011

8 10% Local Contribution New Market Skills Center Capital Maintenance Fund – current balance $132,000. Future Discussion: Current District annual assessment Current Non co-op districts assessment Potential New Market Skills Center annual assessment Identify In-kind values: Land from New Market Street completion - $65K Other 12/02/2011

9 Next Steps Today – Administrative Council action to approve the New Market Skills Center draft 10 year major projects capital plan. December 8, 2011 – Tumwater School Board Approval December 16, Submit Draft of New Market Skills Center 10 year plan to OSPI. January 20, Administrative Council Action Consider approving a resolution recommending that Tumwater School District Board approve the project and estimated costs Review updated cost estimates of the 10 year plan Review 10% match requirements and discuss options Review Cooperative Agreement and address language deficiencies with WAC – Skills Center Guidelines January 26, 2012 – Tumwater School Board approve final 10 year plan January 27, Submit project proposal to OSPI May 1, Submit final project budget to OSPI 12/02/2011

10 Recommended Administrative Council Action
The Council approves the Draft version of New Market Skills Center 10 year Major Projects Capital plan as presented. 12/02/2011

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