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True Discipleship Matthew 16:24-28

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1 True Discipleship Matthew 16:24-28
Logos Bible Fellowship 10/1/2008

2 Breakdown of Passage Jesus reveals His identity, death and Resurrection (vv.20-23) Jesus calls for true discipleship (vv.24-26) Jesus reveals His reward (vv.27-28)

3 True Discipleship (vv.24-26)
“Here is Jesus’ first mention of the word “cross” to His disciples. To them it would have evoked a picture of a violent, degrading death. He was demanding total commitment from them—even unto physical death—and making this call to full surrender a part of the message they were to proclaim to others. This same call to life-or-death devotion to Christ is repeated in 10:38; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23; 14:27. For those who come to Christ with self-renouncing faith, there will be true and eternal life (v. 39).” ~ John MacArthur “If the gospel of Jesus Christ can be proclaimed as a theology of self-esteem, imagine the health this could generate in society!” ~ Robert Schuller Did Jesus preach “self esteem” or “self denial”? See Boice, p. 314.

4 True Discipleship (vv.24-26)
What did Jesus mean in verse 25? Does “whoever loses his life for My sake” indicate that Jesus was looking for willing martyrs? The word “deny” means “disregard/disown/refuse”, “save” means “preserve”, and “lose” means “destroy”. Are there any contextual clues to the meaning of lose? How does Matthew 26:34-35 enhance our understanding of the word “deny”? What is the relationship between confession and denial (John 1:20)? How about deeds and denial (Titus 1:16)? Is it possible to serve Christ without self-denial? See Matthew 6:24 and Revelation 3:8. -- Contextual clues to the meaning of the word “lose” – v.24 (self-denial) explains the term “lose” in v.25. V.26 also explains it (i.e. cannot gain the world and eternal life both – there must be willingness to sacrifice the things of this world) -- Matthew 26:34-35 speaks of Peter’s refusal to associate with Christ -- John 1:20 – “He confessed and did not deny” -- Titus 1:16 – They profess to know Him but deny Him with their deeds -- Matthew 6:24 – Cannot serve both God and money -- Revelation 3:8 – To not deny His name is to keep His Word

5 True Discipleship (vv.24-26)
Jesus made it clear that self-will = self-worship. In order to serve God, we must deny ourselves and submit to His will. What are some examples of taking up your cross (see Romans 12:1)? See John 14:6 on following Jesus. As the saying goes, such and such (fill in the blank) and $1.40 will buy you a gallon of gas. Similarly, gaining the whole world is worthless in eternity. Your soul is the only thing you possess of any eternal value! See Job 27:8. How does this teaching relate to the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23), the treasure (13:44) and the pearl of great price (13:45)? How was it exemplified by the rich young ruler (Matthew 19:16-27), the teacher of the law (8:19-20), and the disciple who wanted to bury his father (8:21-22)? -- Romans 12:1 -- NAU Romans 12:1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. -- John 14:6 – Christ is the way. Nobody can come to the Father on their own terms. -- NAU Job 27:8 "For what is the hope of the godless when he is cut off, When God requires his life? -- Relationship to the parable of the sower, the treasure, and the pearl of great price – Only one soil bears fruit. There must be self denial to bear fruit. The other soils are contrasted with the good soil. -- Rich young ruler wouldn’t give up his money for Christ. -- The teacher of the law was not really willing to follow or perhaps did not count the cost of the sacrifice -- The disciple who wanted to bury his father was trying to come on his own terms also

6 Jesus’ Reward (vv.27-28) Jesus will reward believers and unbelievers according to their works (v.27) How can we reconcile the fact that salvation is by grace alone but judgment is by works? Believers will be judged at the “Bema Seat” (1 Corinthians 3:8-15 (notice the foundation), 4:5; 2 Corinthians 5:9-10; Revelation 22:12) Unbelievers will be judged at the “Great White Throne” (Revelation 20:11-15)

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