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Daily Word 1st Quarter.

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1 Daily Word 1st Quarter

2 #1 – Abhor (v) Definition: to detest; to loath Synonyms: Antonyms:
Examples: Sentence:

3 #2 – Acclimated (adj) Definition: to adjust or become accustomed to a new climate or environment Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

4 #3 – Adulation (n) Definition: high praise Synonyms: Antonyms:
Examples: Sentence:

5 #4 – Adversity (n) Definition: misfortune Synonyms: Antonyms:
Examples: Sentence:

6 #5 – Aloof (adj) Definition: detached; apart; indifferent Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

7 #6 – Ambiguous (adj) Definition: unclear; vague; having several possible interpretations Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

8 #7 – Amity (n) Definition: friendship Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples:

9 #8 – Anecdote (n) Definition: a short account of an event Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

10 #9 – Antiquated (adj) Definition: to old to be useful; outdated, obsolete Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

11 #10 – Apathy (n) Definition: lack of interest or concern Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

12 #11 – Appease (v) Definition: calm; pacify Synonyms: Antonyms:
Examples: Sentence:

13 #12 – Arbitrary (adj) Definition: selected at random choice and without solid reason Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

14 #13 – Arcane (adj) Definition: secret; mysterious Synonyms: Antonyms:
Examples: Sentence: All: Daily Word Test – Monday (19th) #1-15

15 #14 – Astute (adj) Definition: wise; insightfully clever Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence: All: Daily Word Test – Monday (19th) #1-15

16 #15 – Augment (v) Definition: to expand; to make larger Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence: Daily Word Test – Monday (19th) #1-15

17 #16 –Beguile (v) Definition: to cheat or deceive, usually through charm; to amuse Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence: All: Daily Word Test – Monday (19th) #1-15

18 #17 – Bellicose (adj) Definition: warlike; quarrelsome Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence: All: Daily Word Test Today! CP 9: Plot & Setting Unit Test this Wed. (open note)

19 #18 – Benevolent (adj) Definition: kindly; charitable Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

20 #19 – Bequeath (v) Definition: to leave behind or hand down through a will; transmit Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

21 #20 – Benign (adj) Definition: gentle; kind- hearted; mild Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

22 #21 – Brash (adj) Definition: prone to act in a hasty manner; imprudent Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

23 #22 – Callous (adj) Definition: thick; hardened; lacking pity or mercy
Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

24 #23 – Catalyst (n) Definition: something causing change Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

25 #24 – Complacent (adj) Definition: self-satisfied; unconcerned
Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence: All: Daily Word Test on Monday #1-25

26 #25 – Confound (v) Definition: to mix up (in your own mind); to confuse someone else Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence: All: Daily Word Test on Monday #1-25

27 #26 – Consummate (v) Definition: to complete or make whole Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence: All: Daily Word Test on Monday #1-25

28 #27 – Culpable (adj) Definition: guilty; blameworthy Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence: All: Daily Word Test today! #1-25

29 #28 – Cumbersome (adj) Definition: hard to handle or deal with because of size, weight, or many parts; burdensome Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

30 #29 – Delve (v) Definition: to carry on intensive
and thorough research for data or Information; investigate Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

31 #30 – Depleted (adj) Definition: emptied; drained; used up Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence: Honors 9: Plot, Setting, and Characterization Unit Test tomorrow (includes Frankenstein)

32 #31 – Deplore (v) Definition: to express regret or disapproval; complain; criticize Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence: All: We will have three daily words today, to make up for days in library. CP 9 – Night Ch. 8-9 due this Friday (finish novel)

33 #32 – Destitute (adj) Definition: poor; lacking possessions Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

34 #33 – Disheveled (adj) Definition: untidy Synonyms: Antonyms:
Examples: Sentence:

35 #34 – Disseminate (v) Definition: to scatter or spread widely
Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence:

36 #35 – Doleful (adj) Definition: extremely sad Synonyms: Antonyms:
Examples: Sentence: CP: Characterization Unit Test on Wed. (includes background notes, textbook stories, and Night)

37 #36 – Eclectic (adj) Definition: selecting from various sources; not following any one system Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence: CP: Characterization Unit Test on Thurs. (includes background notes, textbook stories, and Night)

38 #37 – Edifice (n) Definition: a large or massive structure Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence: CP: Characterization Unit Test on Thurs. (includes background notes, textbook stories, and Night)

39 #38 – Efface (v) Definition: to erase Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples:
Sentence: CP: Characterization Unit Test tomorrow! (includes background notes, textbook stories, and Night)

40 #39 – Efficacy (n) Definition: the ability to produce desired results
Synonyms: Antonyms: Examples: Sentence: CP: Characterization Unit Test today!

41 #40 – Elated (adj) Definition: extremely happy; overjoyed Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence: All: Daily Word 1st Qtr. Test #1-43 – next Friday (28th)

42 #41 – Emulate (V) Definition: to try to equal by imitating Synonyms:
Antonyms: Examples: Sentence: All: Daily Word Bonus Pt. Review Day: this Thursday (closed binder!) All: Daily Word 1st Qtr. Test #1-43 – this Friday (28th)

43 #42 – Enervate (v) Definition: to weaken; to tire Synonyms: Antonyms:
Examples: Sentence: All: Daily Word Bonus Pt. Review Day: this Thursday (closed binder!) Daily Word 1st Qtr. Test #1-43 – this Friday (28th) *43 pts Binder Check – this Friday (28th) *25 pts All missing work, tests, and quizzes must be in by 2:30 on Fri (28th)

44 #43 – Enigma (n) Definition: mystery; puzzle Synonyms: Antonyms:
Examples: Sentence: All: Daily Word Bonus Pt. Review Day: tomorrow (closed binder!) Daily Word 1st Qtr. Test #1-43 – this Friday (28th) *43 pts Binder Check – this Friday (28th) *25 pts All missing work, tests, and quizzes must be in by 2:30 on Fri (28th)

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