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Year 5 Information Talk for Parents

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1 Year 5 Information Talk for Parents
Wednesday 12th September 2018 9:00am

2 Introducing the Year 5 Team
Miss McGregor- Ash Class Teacher Mrs Khan – Sycamore Class Teacher Mrs Naik – Lime Class Teacher Mrs McLaughlin – Cedar Class Teacher (& Year Group Lead)

3 Additional Adults HLTA Mrs Delaney TAs Mrs Croxon Ms James
Mrs Hui / Mrs Tipping Other teaching staff Mrs Haughton (French) not Cedar Class Mrs Hui (Computing) Mrs Fox (English & Maths Intervention) Mr Sinclair (English Intervention)

4 Our Expectations Children should follow our new Traffic Light behaviour code (see details in children’s Fern Hill diaries) Uniform – no jewellery except watches, no nail varnish, trainers only for PE Rewards of Diamond Time for meeting behaviour expectations. Diamond Work certificates and Team Points for effort and 6R leaves

5 Keeping informed Termly learning maps
Weekly newsletter (school and Year 5) Fern Hill school diaries Parents Evenings Informal chats/appointments Written report (Summer Term)

6 Home-School diaries Required daily Reflections and reading recorded
Messages to and from teachers (except absences) Teachers will check weekly

7 P.E. Days Ash: Friday (indoor) Monday (outdoor)
Syc: Wednesday (indoor) Friday (outdoor) Lime: Monday (indoor) Cedar: Wednesday (indoor) Syc/Lime/Cedar come to school in PE kit on Fridays. Bring uniform to change into later. If the lesson is at the end of the day, they will come home in PE kit We go outside in all weathers!

8 Learning Map AT1

9 Learning Map AT2

10 Introducing…DERIC!

11 Grammar reference material
Great reference book. First part has simple rules and tips for writing, second part has common misspellings. Very comprehensive and easy to use. age age 11+

12 Homework Will be issued on a Friday and expected in by the following Wednesday The main focus will be on English one week and Maths the next Homework Club tbc by invitation only. Encouraging children to take responsibility for own learning and time management. We expect children to complete and hand in on time. Let us know if you feel your child is having difficulties or cannot complete by date due.

13 Educational Visits Planetarium Cinema – Gnomio and Juliet
Tudor Drive Library Letter to be sent out when dates have been confirmed. We greatly value offers of parental help on visits! Make decisions on Microsociety and ask for offers of parents who may be in business (entrepreneurs), tax, bankers etc.

14 School journey 7th – 10th May 2019 All deposits are due now - £40
A meeting will be held at a later date to give full details. Exciting, challenging, educational and fun activities.

15 And finally…. Any questions? Thank you for your time.
Please come and see your class teacher or the year group lead if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you for your time.

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