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V to detect with the senses; to recognize or identify as separate or distinct; to come to know or recognize mentally di-ˈsərn discern confuse, mistake,

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Presentation on theme: "V to detect with the senses; to recognize or identify as separate or distinct; to come to know or recognize mentally di-ˈsərn discern confuse, mistake,"— Presentation transcript:

1 v to detect with the senses; to recognize or identify as separate or distinct; to come to know or recognize mentally di-ˈsərn discern confuse, mistake, mix up behold, catch, see, distinguish discerner, discernible, discernibly

2 feign v to give a false appearance of; induce as a false impression
fān feign n/a act, assume, bluff, fake, pretend feigner

3 adj markedly short and abrupt; blunt in manner or speech often to the point of harshness ˈbrəsk brusque circuitous, mealymouthed abrupt, bluff, blunt, curt brusquely, brusqueness

4 adj free from bias, prejudice, or malice; marked by honest sincere expression ˈkan-dəd candid dissembling, uncandid, unforthcoming frank, direct, forthcoming, honest candidly, candidness

5 dour adj stern, harsh; obstinate, unyielding; gloomy, sullen ˈdu̇r
benign, benignant, gentle, mild austere, grim, fierce, forbidding dourly, dourness

6 furtive adj done by stealth; obtained underhandedly ˈfər-tiv
open, overt, public sneaky, shady, shifty, sly furtively, furtiveness

7 wanton adj archaic, hard to control; being without check or limitation
ˈwȯn-tən wanton clean, decent, wholesome bawdy, coarse, crude, indecent wantonly, wantonness

8 augment v to make greater, more numerous, larger, or more intense
ȯg-ˈment augment decrease, diminish supplement, amplify augmentation, augmentable

9 bereft adj deprived; made unhappy through a loss bi-ˈreft
replete; well-provided Bereaved; wanting; without

10 deploy v to position; to utilize; to form up di-ˈplȯi n/a
station; organize deployer, deployment

11 agonistic adj prone to argue; striving for effect ag-uh-’niss-tik
easy-going argumentative, determined agonistically

12 n strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage ˈfȯr-tə-ˌtüd fortitude fearfulness; timidity steadfastness; meddle n/a

13 gape v to stare with open mouth; to open widely ˈgāp n/a gawk; ogle

14 gibe v, n to utter taunting words, an expression of scorn ˈjīb
compliment; praise ridicule; deride n/a

15 guise n an external appearance; cover; mask ˈgīz n/a
costume; semblance n/a

16 adj intended to deceive; sly; treacherous; awaiting a chance to entrap in-ˈsi-dē-əs insidious frank; ingenuous cunning; perfidious insidiously, insidiousness

17 intimation n a hint; indirect suggestion intəˈmāshən n/a clue; inkling

18 opulent adj wealthy; luxurious; grandiose o-pu-lənt
wretched; destitute rich; plentiful; abundant opulence, opulently

19 pliable adj easily bent; flexible; easily influenced ˈplī-ə-bəl
rigid; recalcitrant supple; adaptable; resilient pliability, pliably

20 reiterate v to say again rē-ˈi-tə-ˌrāt n/a restate; recapitulate
reiteration, reiterative

21 stolid adj not easily moved mentally or emotionally ˈstä-ləd
emotional; sensitive impassive; phlegmatic stolidity, stolidly

22 tentative adj experimental in nature; uncertain ˈten-tə-tiv\
definite; confirmed provisional; inconclusive tentatively, tentativeness

23 unkempt adj not combed; untidy; rude -ˈkem(p)t\ tidy; neat; natty
disheveled; disordered n/a

24 verbatim adj, adv word-for-word; exactly as said/written
(ˌ)vər-ˈbā-təm\ verbatim paraphrased exact; precisely n/a

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