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UOE timeliness standards

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1 UOE timeliness standards
ETS WG 24-25/92007 Point 10.4 of the agenda: UOE timeliness standards Please note that this is an agreed proposal between UIS/UNESCO, OECD and Eurostat Aim: short term improvements – plus investigation for longer term stability

2 ETS WG 24-25/92007 Background Consultation
1) High priority for countries and policy users of UOE data 2) Recommendations by ‘multi-annual planning’ Task Force Consultation Strong support from DG EAC but also more emphasis on what will happen if deadlines are not respected - gradual uploading of data - more emphasis on delivery schedule - using last year’s data + quality improvements

3 ETS WG 24-25/92007 Timeliness When will countries deliver data in the UOE 2007 data collection? See annex 1 Reasons for delays? Are improvements possible? Any good practices to be recommended?

4 ETS WG 24-25/92007 Proposals short term
I: UOE questionnaires should not be sent out later than end April by the data requesters to countries. II: Countries should send back the filled in questionnaires by end of September (as now). III: Feedback on the questionnaires should be given by the receiving data requester within 1 month or in any case by the end of October. IV: Cleaned data should be made available to all data requesters by end of December. Data requesters are recommended to upload cleaned questionnaires as soon as possible after the agreement on the cleaned file has been done.

5 ETS WG 24-25/92007 Proposals short term
I: UOE questionnaires should not be sent out later than end April by the data requesters to countries. II: Countries should send back the filled in questionnaires by end of September (as now). III: Feedback on the questionnaires should be given by the receiving data requester within 1 month or in any case by the end of October. IV: Cleaned data should be made available to all data requesters by end of December. Data requesters are recommended to upload cleaned questionnaires as soon as possible after the agreement on the cleaned file has been done.

6 ETS WG 24-25/92007 Proposals longer term
In connection with the work of the ‘UOE’ implementing act Task Force: To survey when data are available in the countries Handling time at national level for transforming into the international format Goal: to set transmission deadlines which are feasible but also answers to the requests for more timely data. An option could be to deliver different parts of the questionnaires at different times.

7 ETS WG 24-25/92007 Discussion and decision points: 1) Do the ETS delegates agree with the modified timeliness standards as proposed for the short term? 2) Do the ETS delegates agree to investigate possibilities for improving timeliness on a longer term basis?

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