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Welcome to TSN Hone Your Craft

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1 Welcome to TSN Hone Your Craft
where you will be able to experience your own self directed learning

2 This course will allow you create your own learning path.
After an intense study of a series of media arts skill sets, students will be able explore their own personal passion of film making in the following areas: Editing for Effect Extreme Filming Short Narrative Film (Comedic or Dramatic) Experimental Any combination of these. Freedom to choose individual projects will be provided as well as numerous resources including teacher support, technical support and a number of filming and editing resources including a drone, dslr cameras, mobile gimbal, and 4k gimbal. Final marks will be determined not only through the creation of final projects but through the learning process itself as well.

3 The majority of the assignments will be hosted through our TSN HYC class portal.
This will also host the numerous instructional resources as well numerous helpful links. TSN HYC Class Website

4 TSN HYC Team Site Additionally, collaboration, communication and assignments will also be available on our TSN HYC Team site. I will be initiating discussions through this site regarding specific topics. This can be accessed through your own O365 login page OR through downloadable apps.

5 TSN Hone Your Craft YouTube Channel
ALL of your Final Videos, Tuesday Tutorials as well as “evidence” for your learning targets will be uploaded to the TSN Hone Your Craft YouTube channel. This is also another additional resource that you can access to view past student projects in addition to any subscriptions that will provide you with a number of various resources including “music, LUTS, FCX tutorials” and current/past student channels. TSN Hone Your Craft YouTube Channel

6 Monthly Learning Blogs
Monthly learning blogs will be written that will: State your present learning target Reflect on your progress towards completing this learning target Provide evidence of this completion State a plan for your new learning target for the upcoming month

7 A template will be provided for each blog post.

8 You will also be asked to complete a learning target survey.

9 Finally, you’ll be required to complete a skills related tutorial every Tuesday.

10 Focus on Guiding Principals
Exploring and Creating 01 Refining and Reflecting 02 Communicating and Documenting 03 Creating and Expanding 04 Focus on Guiding Principals These are very general learning outcomes which allow you to focus exactly on what you’d like to learn.

11 Focus on Skill Set

12 Videos Produced in This Class
A huge variety of videos will be produced for this class. A final video will be required in order to pass; this video will be entered into a local film contest and have the possibility to win money AND be viewed at the Tidemark Theatre. TSN HYC Final Videos

13 Rules and Responsibilities
Sign and abide by course contract Sign and abide by FIPPA form Abide by Mrs. Hagen's "Golden Rule" (no talking when she's talking) No food or drink in editing rooms Use of cells phones for class work NOT off task time ALWAYS check in before leaving room TREAT OTHERS WITH RESPECT – words, actions Treat equipment with respect Arrive to class on-time AND every day


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