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Monitoring platelet function using the Multiplate® analyzer

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1 Monitoring platelet function using the Multiplate® analyzer
ASA 500 mg i.v.

2 antiplatelet medications are given to a large number of patients
> Status Quo in most clinics Tirofiban Clopidogrel Aspirin Clopidogrel Clopidogrel Clopidogrel Aspirin Aspirin Clopidogrel Aspirin antiplatelet medications are given to a large number of patients in most clinics no monitoring of antiplatelet therapy is performed Aspirin Integrillin Aspirin Abciximab Clopidogrel Abciximab Aspirin Tirofiban Integrillin

3 Platelet Function Analysis Market
simple whole-blood-based 1-3 different tests single channel high test price complicated low standardisation used in research and reference labs cartridge-based platelet function tests born aggregation flow cytometry

4 Platelet Function Analysis Market Multiplate ®
simple whole-blood-based 1-3 different tests single channel high test price complicated low standardisation used in research and reference labs Multiplate ® easy-to-use multi-channel several tests available open system cartridge-based platelet function tests born aggregation flow cytometry

5 > principle of Multiplate® analysis
firm adhesion and aggregation of platelets on the sensor surface enhances the electrical resistance between the 2 sensor wires

6 > Multiplate® instrument
multiple platelet function analyzer Compact (10“ x 15“ x 4“) 5 independent channels Integrated computer Windows XP based software Automatic pipetting optionally available

7 2 sensors with 2 electrodes each
> Multiplate® test cell 2 sensors with 2 electrodes each pipetting inlet cup plug portion PTFE-coated stirrer

8 > Multiplate ® - Parameters
velocity aggregation [AU] time [min] aggregation Area under the curve = AUC 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 1 2 3 4 5 test 1 test 2 6 test 1+2

9 > Multiplate® test procedures
TRAPtest TRAP ADPtest Clopidogrel Prasugrel Cangrelor activation TXA2 ADP inhibition COLtest Collagen PGE1 ADPtest HS (ADP + PGE1) 1 release of arachidonic acid ArA1 TXA2 GpIIb/IIIa antagonists: Reopro ® (abciximab) Aggrastat ® (Tirofiban) Integrillin ® (Eptifibatid) COX ASPItest Arachidonic Acid Aspirin ® NSAR platelet activation GpIIb /IIIa receptor exposure degranulation :

10 - + PGE1 ADP Clopidogrel Activation Receptor exposure
>ADPtest HS: ADP + Prostaglandin E1 PGE1 ADP Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ cAMP Clopidogrel - + cAMP Ca2+ Binding of ADP to the P2Y12 receptor lowers cAMP and enhances release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores (+). Plavix interferes with this interaction. PGE1 binds to the platelet and raises cAMP which reduces Ca2+ mobilisation (-). Activation Receptor exposure



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