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Every Student Shapes a Successful Future

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1 Every Student Shapes a Successful Future
Federal Programs Elementary and Secondary Education Act (No Child Left Behind/Every Student Succeeds Act) Title I-A, Title I-D, Title II, Title III, Title IV, Title VII, Title IX

2 Every Student Shapes a Successful Future
Purpose: To inform DAAC of the Consolidated Application and what programs are funded through Title I, II, III, IV.

3 Every Student Shapes a Successful Future
Title I-A is to ensure all children have the opportunity to receive a quality education. Title I-A is the largest ESEA program. APS has 25 Title I buildings 19 traditional elementary schools Altura, Crawford, Elkhart, Fletcher, Fulton, Kenton, Laredo, Lansing, Lyn Knoll, Montview, Paris, Park Lane, Peoria, Sable, Sixth Avenue, Vaughn, Virginia Court, Wheeling 3 traditional middle schools East, North, South 1 K-8 Boston K-8 1 6-12 Aurora West 2 Charter schools Rocky Mountain Prep, Vega Collegiate Academy New Schools Aurora Hills Middle School Vanguard West K-5 Lotus K-5 APS uses FREE only lunch to determine rank order for schools to be served A school must be 70% or higher in FREE only lunch

4 Every Student Shapes a Successful Future
Title I-A -Allocation, $11,000,000 (projected) Programs: School allocations- $9,000,000 McKinney Vento, homeless education- $450,000 Opportunity Before Kindergarten Programs- $100,000 COMPASS/21st Century Partnership- $75,000 Family Liaison’s- $350,000 Family Engagement (mandated): 1% of Title funds must go to schools to engage families- $120,000 Nonpublic schools (mandated)- $120,000 Administration- $300,000

5 Every Student Shapes a Successful Future
Title I-D We serve one delinquent facility, Jefferson Hills Allocation, $85,700 (projected) We serve one neglected facility, Serenity Learning Center (these funds are taken out of Title I-A) Allocation, $23,708 (projected) Jefferson Hills and Serenity use the funds to partial fund a teacher salary.

6 Every Student Shapes a Successful Future
Title II Highly Qualified Teachers and Principals Increase student achievement by increasing teacher and principal quality. Allocation, $1,000,000 (projected) Teaching Partners (29% of all TP’s salary and benefits) $850,000 Charter Schools $131,000 Non-Public Schools (St. Therese, St. Pius, Cedarwood) $13,900

7 Title III-English Language Acquisition
Every Student Shapes a Successful Future Title III-English Language Acquisition Improving the education for English Language Learners Allocation, $900,000 (projected) ELA Consultants, $750,000 Professional Development Subs, $27,000 Non-public school (St. Therese), $11,500 Family Engagement, $54,000 3 family liaisons for special populations Languages: Amharic, Arabic, Burmese, French, Karen, Kinyarwanda, Nepali, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Tigrinya

8 Title IV- Student Support & Academic Achievement
Every Student Shapes a Successful Future Title IV- Student Support & Academic Achievement Improving students’ academic achievement by increasing well-rounded education, improve school conditions for student learning and improve technology. Allocation, $200,000 (projected) AP and IB low income student reimbursement Working with Nutrition Services and Mental Health for a new program

9 Title VII- Indian Education
Every Student Shapes a Successful Future Title VII- Indian Education A federal grant to help serve Native Americans or Native Alaskans Allocation, $18,077 (preliminary) Funds for tutoring, special events *If you know of any students who may qualify, please have them complete a 506 form for identification

10 Every Student Shapes a Successful Future
Staff Amy J. Beruan, Director, ext Sherry Hinkle-Carlson, Assistant to the Director, ext Cookie Hansen, District Family Liaison, ext Kris Riley, Federal Programs Technician, ext Trisha Bailey, McKinney Vento Advocate, ext Dale Cornelius, McKinney Vento Advocate, ext Daniel Walendzik, McKinney Vento Advocate, ext Lori Wolter, McKinney Vento Advocate, ext

11 Every Student Shapes a Successful Future
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