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Describing Structures

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1 Describing Structures
Topic 2 Describing Structures

2 Structure and Function
Structures have a function. Think of a bridge… it’s structure is designed to support STUFF. But it may also be designed to look pretty or to make a piece of road safer.

3 The most common functions:
Transporting Containing Sheltering Supporting Lifting Fastening Separating Communicating Breaking Holding Etc…




7 But Function is not enough!
Aesthetics….. Safety. Cost. These three factors often affect the design of a structure.

8 Can you think of a structure that is designed differently so that it is safer?
Less expensive? Prettier?



11 Materials! Structures need to be made out of something.
Some types of materials are composite materials, layered materials, and Woven materials.




15 Choosing materials What might affect our choice of materials then we are designing something? Cost Appearance Environmental impact Energy efficiency

16 Putting it all together
Now that we have chosen our materials we need to put it all together! How can we attach all of our materials together?

17 Note: Joints can be mobile or rigid!

18 Fasteners Interlocking shapes Ties Adhesives Melting

19 Fasteners

20 Interlocking shapes

21 ties

22 Adhesives

23 Melting

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