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International Presentation Dr Muhammad Sayedul Arefin

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1 International Presentation Dr Muhammad Sayedul Arefin


3 Title Efficacy of Helicobacter pylori eradication in Helicobacter pylori positive functional dyspepsia patients- A Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled Trial

4 Guide Professor Dr Md Hasan Masud Professor, Department of Gastroenterology BSMMU

5 Introduction Dyspepsia is a common disorder
Functional dyspepsia – most predominant cause of dyspepsia; when organic causes are excluded; 8.3 % at community level in Bangladesh H.pylori causes dyspeptic symptoms by mechanisms other than producing any macroscopic lesion in gastroduodenal mucosa Prevalence of H.pylori is 39-87% among functional dyspepsia world wide

6 Rationale of the study Patients with FD - normal life expectancy but markedly reduced the quality of life; emotional distress and impaired vitality Though the initial RCT evidences were conflicting, H.pylori eradication in FD Symptom improvement in 40% patients NNT – 8 Significant improvement of quality of life

7 Hypothesis Eradication of H. pylori improves the symptoms of H. pylori positive functional dyspepsia patients

8 Aims and Objectives General Objectives
To see whether the eradication of H. pylori improves the dyspeptic symptoms of ‘H. pylori positive FD’ patients To measure the dyspepsia status of the patients 2 months after completion of anti H.pylori therapy To measure the dyspepsia status in control group 2 months after completion of placebo therapy

9 Aims and Objectives General Objectives ( contd…)
To compare the dyspepsia status between H. pylori eradicated and non-eradicated groups 2 months after completion of therapy   Specific Objective To see the efficacy of Levofloxacin, Amoxicillin & Omeprazole based triple therapy

10 Materials and Methods Study design : Double blind parallel group
randomized placebo controlled trial Place of study : Department of Gastroenterology, BSMMU Period of study : March 2016 to March 2017 Study population : Functional dyspepsia patients visiting Gastroenterology OPD of BSMMU

11 Selection Criteria Inclusion criteria 18-55 years of age
FD Patients diagnosed on the basis of ROME III criteria who were positive for H. pylori Exclusion criteria Underlying PUD Dyspepsia with alarm features Abnormal abdominal USG e.g. hepatosplenomegaly, ascites, gall stone disease, chronic pancreatitis

12 Selection Criteria Exclusion criteria
Pt. on drugs that may cause dyspepsia e.g. NSAID, iron, digoxin Previous GI surgery Predominant reflux symptoms Pregnancy Abnormalities in blood tests (anemia, raised ESR, abnormal thyroid function test, abnormal transaminase values ) Signs of other diseases that may cause dyspepsia like symptoms (e.g. malignancies , celiac disease, IHD, DM, thyroid diseases) Recent GI infection

13 Operational Definition
Dyspepsia : symptoms arising from gastroduodenal region consisting of epigastric pain, postprandial fullness, early satiation, anorexia, belching, nausea and vomiting, upper abdominal bloating, and even heartburn and regurgitation Functional dyspepsia : Bangla Validated Version of Enhanced Asian ROME III Questionnaires (EAR3-Q) for Diagnosis of Functional Gastrointestinal disorders Detection of Helicobacter pylori infection : Urea Breath Test

14 Sample Size Sample size, Sample size calculation for clinical trial:
P1= Experimental group response (from a previous study) = 21% patients of experimental group had symptomatic improvement of dyspepsia after H. pylori eradication (McColl et al., 1998) P2 = control group response (from a previous study) = 7% patients of control group had symptomatic improvement of dyspepsia after H.pylori eradication (McColl et al., 1998) Zα =Z-value (two tail) of SND at a given level of significance = 1.96 (at 5% level of significance) Zβ = Z-value (one tail) at a given power = 1.28(at 90% power, when β=0.1) 120 patients (60 patients in each group) were intended for inclusion into the study

15 Statistical Analysis Continuous variables were expressed as mean with standard deviation and categorical variables as count with percentage Categorical data were assessed by Chi-square test Unpaired t-test was used to compare the age distribution of the patients Multi variate analysis was done to see any association between different variables and resolution of dyspepsia

16 Ethical Consideration
Informed consent was obtained from each patient before study enrollment The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University(BSMMU)

17 Method Dyspeptic patient visiting Gastroenterology OPD
Organic causes of dyspepsia excluded FD – on the basis of Bangla validated version of ROME III UBT repeated after 2 months, Dyspepsia reassessed Randomly assigned to Group A(2 wks anti H.pylori) & Group B (placebo) UBT to diagnose H.pylori. Finally H.pylori +ve FD were included Statistical Analysis

18 Results and Observations

19 Dyspepsia Resolved (n=8) Dyspepsia Resolved (n=13)
Randomised Patients (n= 59) Lost to F/UP n=12 Group A Anti H.p therapy (LAO) n=30 Group B Placebo therapy n=29 Lost to F/UP n=7 Completed n=17 Completed n=23 Dyspepsia Resolved (n=8) 47.1% Dyspepsia Resolved (n=13) 56.5%

20 Demographic variables
Distribution of the patients by age, sex, monthly income, smoking & duration of symptoms (n=40) Demographic variables Group A (n=23) Group B (n=17) P value n % Age (years) Mean±SD 34.05±7.06 31.64±9.44 0.360ns Range (min-max) 25-50 20-55 Sex Male 8 34.8 7 41.2 0.679ns Female 15 65.2 10 58.8 Monthly income (Tk) <10,000 9 39.1 10,000-30,000 12 52.2 0.282ns >30,000 2 8.7 0.0 Smoking status Smoker 5 21.7 4 23.5 0.837ns Non smoker 19 82.6 13 76.5 Duration of symptoms Upto 6 months 17.4 3 17.6 6-12 months 6 35.3 0.998ns >12 months 11 47.8 47.1

21 Comparison between two groups based on resolution of dyspepsia
Symptom resolution n Symptom resolution rate (%) Group A (n-23) 13 56.5 Group B (n-17) 8 47.1 P value 0.554ns

22 H.pylori eradication rate 2 months after therapy

23 Comparison between H.pylori eradicated and non-eradicated patients irrespective of allocated treatment regimen (drug/placebo) Symptom resolution Eradication group (n=20) Non eradication group P value n % Resolved 10 50.0 5 25.0 0.102ns Not resolved 15 75.0

24 Variables F value P value
Multivariate Analysis showing association of co-variates with resolution of dyspesia Variables F value P value Age 0.298 0.20 Sex 0.064 0.80 Monthly income 0.097 0.75 Smoking status 0.041 0.84 Duration of symptoms 5.057 0.03

25 Conclusion There is no relationship between H.pylori eradication (by LAO regimen) and resolution of dyspeptic symptoms in patients with functional dyspepsia H.pylori eradication therapy does not improve dyspeptic symptoms in our clinical setting A more potent Anti Hp regimen in comparison to LAO should be sought

26 Limitation Small sample size Short study period Single center study
FD - not assessed by any validated symptom scoring scale Large number patients (19/59, 32.2%) lost to follow-up H.pylori eradication rate was high (23.5%) in placebo group - may be due to false -ve UBT

27 Recommendations Multi-center study with large sample size
Further study with prolong duration and multiple follow ups More potent anti H.pylori regimen Close monitoring to get a flawless UBT report

28 Thank You

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