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Literary Terms.

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Presentation on theme: "Literary Terms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literary Terms

2 Plot Sequence of events in a story.

3 Climax High point of interest in the story

4 Anachronism Placing something in a time period/era where it does not belong.

5 Antihero A protagonist who is particularly graceless, inept, stupid, or dishonest

6 Apology A written or spoken defense (I’m sorry)

7 Archetype A blocked off memory of our past or of pre-human experience; a type of struggle; a character to which a culture relates to without prior knowledge.

8 Clash/Struggle between opposing forces Man vs. Man Man vs. Himself
Conflict Clash/Struggle between opposing forces Man vs. Man Man vs. Himself Man vs. Nature Man vs. Society

9 Catharsis A moral or spiritual cleansing you receive when watching a protagonist overcome a great odds to survive.

10 Controlling Image/Motif
An image or theme that runs throughout the story/novel/work

11 Diction Word choice; denotation – dictionary definition; connotation – all the emotions the word brings

12 Doppelganger A mysterious twin or a double fighting against your good work. Someone who looks just like you! 

13 Dystopia A bad place. An imaginary world which was constructed to be perfect, yet it failed and became a very unpleasant place.

14 A perfect world (…usually becomes a dystopia)
Utopia A perfect world (…usually becomes a dystopia)

15 Epiphany A sudden understanding or realization which prior to this was not thought of or understood

16 Euphemism the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt.

17 A particular type or category of writing, music, art, etc.
Genre A particular type or category of writing, music, art, etc.

18 Hamartia It means an error, mistake, or misstep. The protagonist’s hamartia will cause his/her downfall.

19 Imagery Descriptive details in a work that use figures of speech to explain people or things.

20 Moral – the message/lesson to be learned
Theme/Moral Theme – the ideas that the author wants the reader to take from the story. Moral – the message/lesson to be learned

21 The emotional feeling of the setting
Mood/Atmosphere The emotional feeling of the setting

22 A self-contradictory combination of words
Oxymoron A self-contradictory combination of words

23 A summary of the main points in a story/essay
Synopsis A summary of the main points in a story/essay

24 The omission of one or more words
Ellipsis/Ellipse The omission of one or more words

25 Paradox A statement that seems to contradictory or absurd; however, it is found to be true!

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