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Objectives 12/1/2014 HONORS &Academic WARMUP:

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives 12/1/2014 HONORS &Academic WARMUP:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives 12/1/2014 HONORS &Academic WARMUP:
Welcome back! I am unfortunately home sick with a stomach virus. But will hopefully be in tomorrow. In the meantime I would like you to begin taking your notes on the Cell Cycle (today this is not optional, this is mandatory). Agenda: 1) Intro to the Cell Cycle (please use the Cell Cycle powerpoint to complete the notes you picked up when you came in today). 3) Mitosis WebQuest (the link is also on my teacher site and you picked up this handout as well when you came in). HWK: Mitosis Web Quest due tomorrow. Upcoming Dates: Monday 12/7= Cell Cycle (Mitosis and Meiosis Quest) WARMUP: OBJECTIVES: 1) Homework assignment 2) Mitosis Webquest 3) BrainPop- Mitosis 4) Mitosis Notes 5) Cell Theory Notes (7-1) 6) Bill Nye- Cellular Division When you leave today you will: -Understand the steps of the Cell Cycle HWK: None  R*E*S*P*E*C*T ACCEPTANCE

2 The Cell Cycle Honors: Chapter

3 The Cell Cycle Academic: Chapter 10

4 2 main parts to the cell cycle
1. Interphase 2. Cell Division (AKA--Mitotic Phase)

5 Parts of a Homologous Pair of Chromosomes
Centromere Chromatid Homologous Chromosomes

6 Part 1. INTERPHASE G1 S G2 3 Stages:

7 C E L C Y C L E Interphase Period of cell growth and development that precedes mitosis and follows CYTOKINESIS (cell splitting) Longest phase of the cell cycle.

8 C E L C Y C L E Interphase G1 = Growth 1—most cell growth
S = Synthesis—cell makes a copy of its DNA G2 = Growth 2—cell grows a little to prepare for division

9 2 main parts to the cell cycle
1. Interphase 2. Cell Division (AKA--Mitotic Phase)

10 Part 2. MITOSIS & Cytokinesis Cell Division P M A T 4 Stages:

11 **MITOS I S ** 1. PROPHASE Chromatin condense & thicken – now called chromosome. The nuclear envelope breaks down Centrioles move to opposite "poles“ (or ends) of the cell

12 **MITOS I S ** 2. METAPHASE The spindle (centriole) fully develops.
The chromosomes align at the metaphase plate (middle)

13 **MITOS I S ** Paired chromosomes separate & begin moving to opposite ends (poles) of the cell. Spindle fibers lengthen & elongate the cell. Each pole contains a complete set of chromosomes. 3. ANAPHASE

14 **MI TOS I S ** 4. TELOPHASE Nucleus begins to form at opposite poles.
The nuclear envelopes and nucleoli also reappear.

15 Last Event!!! CYTOKINESIS

= the division of the original cell's cytoplasm. (There are now two separate cells)

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