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Red Team Final Presentation December 8, 2008. Fire Safe Microwave 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Red Team Final Presentation December 8, 2008. Fire Safe Microwave 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Red Team Final Presentation December 8, 2008

2 Fire Safe Microwave 2

3 Overview Background Microwave Features Technical Components Business Model Summary 3

4 Unsafe Microwaves 4

5 Microwave Features Detects spark and/or fire 1.Alerts user of danger 2.Shuts down microwave 3.Extinguishes flame with CO 2 4.Notifies user when unsafe to open door 5.Indicates when CO 2 cartridge needs to be replaced 5

6 Product Demonstration 6

7 7

8 Component- Circuitry Digital control system with photodiode sensing Check for Spark Spark Detected Check for Fire Fire Detected Stop Microwave Alert User Suppress Fire Alert User 8

9 Component- Fire Suppression Cartridge Punctured Solenoid CO 2 Cartridge Spring CO 2 Released 9

10 Component- CO 2 Flow Switch Reset Button CO 2 Electrical Continuity CO 2 Breaks Continuity 10

11 Testing- Schlieren Flow Visualization for CO 2 Nozzle 11

12 Testing- Schlieren Flow Visualization for CO 2 Nozzle 12

13 Component- User Interface 3 surveys with over 300 responses Final design LED Light System Auditory Alarm 13

14 Business Model Market Fire Safe Technology to OEM through product license 14 VersionSurvey: Price People Will Pay Manufacturing Cost to Add Feature Expected Profit Standard$17$2.30$14.70 Deluxe$30$16.20$13.80

15 Price and Cost 15

16 Market Penetration 16

17 Expected Revenue 17

18 Fire Demonstration 18

19 Fire Demonstration 19

20 Acknowledgments Professor David Wallace Instructors: Kim Vandiver, Matt Duplessie Mentors: Anna Shih, Jon Evans, Pamela Siska Papallardo Staff 2.009 Instructors, TAs, Mentors, Staff, Maureen Lynch 20

21 Questions or Comments? 21

22 Back Up Slides 22

23 Circuit Diagram 23

24 Component- CO 2 Flow Switch Reset Button CO 2 24

25 25

26 26

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