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Overview Headlines General progress report High level plan

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1 Transformation Programme Report - SIP and Research Systems Programme (RSP) – January 2019
Overview Headlines General progress report High level plan Please note: report on Research Systems Programme will be covered in a Part 2 item

2 Better Health Research
Overview Primary objective for 18/19 has been on process improvements through business change projects, though KPI’s indicate that benefits are already being realised (evidence contained in 18/19 performance report) Indicative ‘progress ‘ line Deliverables Benefits Ambition Process Improvements Better service Reduced Process Costs Predictable (quicker) timelines Increased customer satisfaction Invest in additional capability meet challenge of reducing budget Better Health Research

3 Headlines RSP Programme - Red Please see separate Part 2 report
SIP Programme - Green Restructuring of Approvals Directorate All posts allocated to new structure Restructuring of Policy Directorate Advertising for vacant posts Majority of SIP will be closed as a programme and activity transferred into the business at the end of March 2019

4 Transformation Programme Date: 18th December Budget
Overall RAG Workstream Status Commentary Research Systems Programme See separate Part 2 Report HRA Approval - Integrated Process Flow diagrams and work instructions being produced for all types of studies including those with cross border considerations and amendments. Final versions on track to be available for the end of January 2019.Proceeding as planned - An implementation plan is now being developed. This plan includes workforce allocations, training, team building, HARP changes and accounts etc. HRA Approval – Proportionality This stream of work - which include the ‘Parameters’, ‘Data and Bio-resource Assessment’ , ‘Reduced Application Package for Health Services Research ‘and ‘Guidance on research on NHS premises’ projects are now managed as part of the Approval Directorate portfolio of projects HRA Approval - Amendments Challenges around resource remain, particularly as the Four Nations Policy Leads are keen to see this project move at pace. Draft triage tool produced which now needs to be reviewed and tested. HRA Approval – Amendments (e-submission) e-submission of amendments. Cannot be achieved in current timeline & unable to re-plan, dependency on developments in new IRAS HRA Approval – Volunteer recruitment and management Re framed project as pilot work did not yield satisfactory results. Work to review and improve the end-to-end recruitment process will start in April 2019, led by the new support division. PIER: Public involvement in the ethical review process leading to more favourable opinions and improved health research PIER Learning support for RECs as presented at the last TB this activity is being de-scoped and won’t be achieved before the end of March Corporate: Development of an effective and efficient corporate support and infrastructure model that results in a business model that secures the best value ‘mix’ of in-house, third party and shared ALB resourcing. Further work on developing ESR Function in progress (offers greater levels of automation/self service) first two phases complete by April Review of Admin support functions commenced. All other projects proceeding as planned. Customer Support: Delivering an integrated approach to managing the customer relationship, ensuring that all queries are managed effectively and that feedback is effectively used in improving service provision Gatekeeping of accounts needs joining up with work in IT relating to shared boxes for windows 365 work. Transferred To start

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