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Directorate General for Regional Policy, Communication Unit

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1 Directorate General for Regional Policy, Communication Unit
Open Days 2011 – Workshop on Communicating regional policy and Update about RegioStars 2011/ 2012 Sofia, 18 May 2011 Directorate General for Regional Policy, Communication Unit

2 Open Days 2011; Better delivery – Workshop on communication
Objectives: Present the new information & publicity rules. Discuss the implications for programme communication officers. Demonstrate that Managing Authorities need not wait until 2014 to implement these new rules. How? Through good practice presentations from suitable regions (3-4 speakers). More rules should be added in the general regulation, impl. Regulation less relevant;

3 Open Days 2011; Better delivery – Workshop on communication
Target audience: Communication officers at Member States and regional level; Current and potential beneficiaries of the ERDF and Cohesion fund Communication experts working for ERDF&CF programmes

4 Open Days 2011; Better delivery – Workshop on communication
Any volunteers? Contact: Peter Fischer, Regional Policy Directorate-General, Unit B.1 Deadline: 20 May 2011 Template to be completed with contact details

“Informing the public on the internet about projects benefiting from EU Regional policy”

6 Award criteria for category 5 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION
Effective use of a combination of different internet tools (photos, videos, GIS maps, etc…) to spread information about the projects that have benefited from EU funding. User-friendliness of the list of beneficiaries (including data format, search function, frequency of updates, level of project details, etc.).

7 Deadline for applications 15 July 2011!
For details, consult terregional/ecochange/regiostars_12_en.cfm?nm enu=4

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